It's time for the moment you've been waiting for! Daa, da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da- da-da-da-da-daa, da-da-da-da-da-da-daa da-da-da-la-da-da-da-da-da-da- da-da-da-da-daa, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa, tssshh da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daa-da-da a-da-daa, ti-ta-ti-ti-ta-ti-ti-ta-ta-ta- la-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-da-la-ba-ba- ba-ba-da-la-ba-ba-baa, ti-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ti-taa, Ti-ta-ti-li [gasps, then resumes] Ti-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li- ta-ti-li-ta-ti-li-ti-ta-ti-ti- ta-ti-ti-taaaaa... Preparing the Krabby Patty!
Bill Trinen!
Reggie Fils-Aimé!
Agent J!
Will Smith!
Jack Black!
Jack Frost!
[in a weird voice] Mothman...
Shah-des Du-prece! [clears throat] Shades Dupris!
Tom "Milk Bowl" Malone!
sphelonious donk!
Phoenix Wright!
Fighting Placeholder Team!
Placeholder Man!
Big Chungus!
Crash Bandicoot!
Ugandan Knuckles!
Naxx Guyfieri!
Pickle Woodman!
Mr. Electric!
[in a normal voice] 7.
Berome and Beader!
Old Cellphone!
Doki Doki Duo!
Grandpa's Bed!... from Stardew Valley.
Mt. Rushmore!
xx_wario_xx and Luigi!
Rhythm Masters!... with guns!
Buff Shaggy!
Susie Deltarune!
Drake Clapping!
Meme Morgana!
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band!
King Of The Cosmos!
Cool S!
Ukulele Pichu!
Hellen Keller!
Lightning McQueen!
Dry Bones in his Dry Bomber!
Mount Everest!
Rock MF DOOM Team!
Mario Coin!
Self Indulgent Team 1!
Self Indulgent Team 2!
Principal Skinner!
Notre Dame!
The Uno Reversal Card!
Neil Cicierega!
Planet Express!
Tom Cruise!
Hat Kid!
Heavy Weapons Guy!
Bruh Tetris Guy!
Sheldon Generations!
[in the tune of Kraid's Lair] Kraid!-Krai-Kraid-Krai-Kraid-Krai-
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff!
Chromatic Abrasion Man!
[in a normal voice] Uh, actually that effect's called "chromatic aberration"...
Racist Luigi!
Ben Shapiro Annoying Orange!
Poster Pair!
Dangerous Russian Kid!
John Madden!
Barry "Ya Like Jazz?" B. Benson!
Lou Bega!
Cousin Joey!
Sex Bob-omb-- Sex... Sex Bob-omb!
Johnny Test!
Chaze's Mixtape!
Postman Pat!
Snookie From The Jousey Shore!
63rd Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe!
Anthony Fantano!
The Porn Channel!
Eskimo Bob!
Femur Breaker!
Normal Ajit Pai!
Sailor Moon!
Tom Wheeler!
Hobart 2!
Kim Jong-Un!
The Nutshack!
Beavis and Butthead!
Ask Jeeves!
Ask Jeeves!
OJ Simpson!
Norton Antivirus!
Charlie Sheen!
[in a weird voice] Teeth-Agummer!
Dane Cook!
The King!
Kid Icarus!
Coffee Link!
The Fighter/Truck Freak/Crazy Ass The!
Black & Blue or White & Gold!
Kirby (NTSC Version)!
The Super Smash Brother!
Seth Macfarlane Farting Trio!
The Zelda!
Wheel! Of! Fortune!
Larry King Inc 64!
One Of Thouse YouTubers Who Bitches About Cartooons!
White Guilt!
Adam Replaced!
Garfield Generations!
Absolutely Nothing!
Help Me Please! This Is Not A Joke, I've Been Recording These Announcer Lines For Days Now And They Won't Let Me See My Family. I Don't Even Know What A Grand Dad Is But They Have A Cattle Prod And When I Have To Rest They Shock Me, I Need Help!
[singing the rip "Life Will Change - Persona 5"] It's not a game! I'm not a diet plan, I'm challenging you!
Marty Robbins!
Tommy Gorilla!
Undertale Jerome And Undertale Reader!
Megalovania Only!
Jerry Temporary!
Crippling Depression!
Underbeef Sans!
The girl reading this!
[imitating the quote] My nama Jeff!
CP1! (???)
YouTube Poop! Where there's smoke, they pinch back!
[singing] Because YouTube is where the poop is! Wheeze-wheeze-wheeze-wheeze-wheeze-wheeze!
Terry Bogard!
Terry Hobart!
Hobart Hotel!
Stinky Shoe and Coach Laroo!
Adam Savage!
Jamie Hyneman!
Gena and Shoelace!
Problem Sleuth!
Neil Cicierega!
Neil Cicierega and the Lemon Demon!
Kermit!... the Frog!
Curly Brace!
Mama Luigi!
Bill Clinton!
What the fuck, Jared?!
Maya Fey!
Dick Gumshoe!
Squilliam Fancyson!
Monica ... Lewinsky!
The Irate Gamer!
Angry Joe!
Cleveland Brown!
Doom Guy!
DOOM Slayer!
Pingas and Pingas!
Brian Griffin!
Soulja Boy Tellem!
Time to take a piss!
[in a normal voice] What the hell are you doing?
I'm taking a piss!
[in a normal voice] Okay, but why aren't you announce the SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament? That's what you're shupposed to do.
I might do it fucking later!
[in a normal voice] No! I'm the motherfucking promo director! You're supposed to record my lines!
Okey-dokey, then! Let me pull up my pants again first, and then maybe I'll record my announcer lines!
[in a normal voice] Maybe? Maybe!? Are you out of your fucking mind!?! No! Record your lines now, motherfucker!
Let me get my pants first!
[in a normal voice] Ugh... fine.
Hole-- [laughing]
[in a normal voice] Oh my god! There's so many! [more laughing] Aw, I'm gonna have to cut it off at a certain point. I cannot believe how many you have pinged me. Can you actually stop pinging me? St-- Stop. Stop, until I catch up.
Please stop pinging me, until I catch up. Thank you for all your submissions, [Discord join call sound] and I'm gonna do them all, or most of them. [Discord join call sound] [Discord leave call sound]
Donte, el hijo de Sparda!
Oh-hoo! Here I go!
Oof! Hmm! That really hit the spot! (Smiley face with nose.)
Welcome to SiivaGunner! Enjoy your stay!
[Discord join call sound] [in a normal voice] His request is, "Could you say "Shirogane Squad" pronounced "she-ro-gon-nay?" Um, [in tongue-in-cheek "catty" voice] I [Discord call leave sound] know to pronounce Shirogane, god... Don't... Don't tell me what to do, [Discord call leave sound] just because you did this I'm going to say it like this... Shirogane Squad... [in a Chills voice] Number 15, Shirogane Squad voice line reading, the last thing you'd want in your live voice [Discord join call sound] recording session would be for the host to whip out a Chills joke, but it turns out that might be what you get. Anyway, I'll say it for real though: [multiple discord call sounds in background]
[in John Notwoodman's voice] Shirogane Squad!
Lucy van Pelt!
You just got Kraft Punk'd!
[normal voice, laughing] [announcer voice] MFW Face When My Face When I Are See Big Chungus!
[normal voice] double quote mark double quote mark double quote mark double quote mark [announcer voice] Hinchy say Fortnite! [normal voice] double quote mark double quote mark double quote mark double quote mark.
Tatsuro Yamashita!
Whether it be breaking the bank, stealing the diamonds, or joining the battle in King for Another Day, what is there that can Henry Stickman can't do?
Funny bones!
Bing Bing Wahoo!
You should say [normal voice] double quote mark [John Notwoodman voice] Say I'm Pickle Woodman! [normal voice] double quote mark.
Texas Instruments vs. DJ Professor K!
Freddy Fazbear! [normal voice] Oh man, way to remind me you're way fucking younger than me! [laughs] ohh... uhh.
Jeff Teague!
HOBaRT, the Funny Mixerrrrrrrrrrrr!
But, we can do even better! We can do it in half an a-press! [normal voice] God, I fucking love that video- I un- completely unironically, just one of my favorite videos on the internet. Uhhh... [clears throat]
Several people are typing!
Goku vs The Dreaded Ligma Virus!
Hinchy will be real in 60 seconds! [normal voice] I think I will. I hope-- I hope so. Being real would be suuper epic. [clears throat]
Let's get this bread, gamers!
Oh? Babylon Rouges!
Etika! [normal voice] I mean I already said that for KFaD1, but I'll say it again. [imitating "Sneakman" from Jet Set Radio] I said it before and I'll say it again. I said it before and I'll say it again. I said it, I said it, I said it, said it, said it, said, said it. Bring that beat back!
Agent 3! [normal voice] I really, really wanna play Splatoon 2, Off the Hook's like, Pearl and Marina are like my favorite characters from something that I fucking literally have never played. I'd like to get that game at some point. Eventually-- hee hee, I missed all the Splatfests, fuuuck.
Gangsta Mario!
This game's winner is Madeline from Celeste!
Okay, so it- it's a robot but it's a flower pot? Flower bot! You-you... You get it? Hahahahahah... I'm such a genius! [normal voice] That really does strike me as something John Notwoodman would be capable of actually saying, so I appreciated that opportunity to act for a moment.
How Liquid?
Ssssssss...sjv...nox... sgyr...kuma?
Now baby I'm the ripper, your baby daddy's worst nightmare!
Nagito and Sans!
Glacier 2!
Ladies and gentlemen, Garfield and Friends!
"Who's house?" or "Who's house?" [normal voice] I don't- that was kinda weird. But, you'll have to deal with it.
Smol Nozomi vs [Joel voice] Grand Dad!
[normal voice] Oh, oh, oh, we got another "Trans rights". I already said Trans Rights, actually that recording- I know that that recording got kinda loose at the end, I'll say it- [John Notwoodman voice] Trans rights! [normal voice] there, got it out of the way, umm
Jumbo Jimmy's Crab Shack!
Attention, All KFaD2 gamers! Hinchy is in great danger, and she needs your help to wipe out not being able to follow her dreams! To help her, all she needs is your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year! But you gotta be quick so Hinchy can make the game that she needs to, and achieve epic... A game that people want... hopefully!
Reimu for Smash!
[normal voice] Hey guys I still didn't say you can stat me again. I didn't- I said you can at me about the one thing I was asking for, so stop- stop atting me. I might like actually cutoff at this point- I'm gonna cut off at this point there's too much and I have to go to dinner soon. [while typing] Cut off point. Epic. There, that's my cutoff point. Except I'll- I'll read the list. If I haven't read the list yet, I'll read the list. Smittz, get me the list and at me with the list. No more ats.
All Star!
[normal voice] No, I'm not doing goddamn trans-rights. Um...
What is a Book Have You Heard the Mario-Bama Soundtrack?
Powerpuff- [voice strains] [normal voice] Ooh, woah. Haha, I'm wearing out my voice already, holy shit-
Powerpuff Girls Z!
Merry Christmas! Ho ho ha ha- [exaggerated cough]
Scott the Woz!
Hey! Did you guys know that you can play Fortnite on your Nintendo Switch?
John Scarce!
Guginga Ganga Ginga!
Get ready for the next battle! Linus Tech Tips vs. Kanye West!
Big Chungus Ooh Nah Nah! I am a meme of fat Bugs Bunny Ooh Nah Nah!
Small Chungus!
Penelop! (???)
[normal voice] That's the best I can do on short notice um...
Open Season rips!
Bo bo bo, bo, bo bo bo!
Say that again and you'll wish you hadn't!
Fighting Joker Team!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!
John Lemon!
Podge! (???)
When that cold brew hits!
We are crystal force! We are crystal force! We are crystal force! Do NOT fuck with us!
Somethin came in the mail today... Deez Nuts! HAH! GOTTEEM! GOTTEEM! HAH!
Ladies and gentlemen, Mambo No. 5!
Go crazy! [gibberish] Go stupid! [gibberish] Go crazy!
Flip the pickle over Morty! Trust me! The payoff is huge!
Dude! Welcome to the SiIvaGunner King for Another Day Tournament! Enjoy your stay man.
Spike is looking at you.
How could you say numbers Numbers NUMBERS?
It gets Hollow Knight? FFFFUCK!
[starts laughing]
I’ve come to make an announcement! Shadow the Hedgehog is bitch-ass mother fucker! He pissed on my fucking wife! That’s right! He took his hedgehog fucking quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife! And he said his dick was “THIS BIG!” And I said that’s disgusting! So I’m making a call out post on my Twitter dot com! Shadow the Hedgehog you got a small dick! It’s the size of the walnut except way smaller! And guess what? Here’s what my dong looks like! That’s right baby! Tall points! No quills! No pillows! Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife so guess what? I’m gonna fuck the earth! That’s right! This is what you get!
[normal voice] Woah, my voice is getting tired doing this whole pasta, it's longer than I remembered
[normal voice] Oh man, I actually can't continue! I'm sad, I didn't make it through the whole pasta. (Oh no!) ughhhhhhhhhh shit. That's... ughhhhh...
[starts mimicking the intro to the Im here to see doom clip]
I'm here to see MF DOOM!
[mimicks the loud ending of Im here to see doom]