SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Area - Planet Wisp (Beta Mix) - Sonic Colours (DS)" is a high quality rip of the beta mix of "Area - Planet Wisp" from Sonic Colours (DS).


At the beginning, the piano melody changes to "Dearly Beloved" from the Kingdom Hearts series. At 0:28 and 0:57, the melody changes to "GO MY WAY!!". At 0:50, "The Noble Haltmann" can be faintly heard in the backing strings. At 1:24, 1:38, and 1:52, a few notes change to reference "Meet the Flintstones". At 1:54, the melody changes to "P-R-O-G-R-A-M".

The rip starts to loop over at 2:23.


  • The album version is 20 seconds longer.