SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Back o Beyond - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" is a high quality rip of "Back o Beyond" from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


No elements of the advertised track are present. Instead, the rip features a parody of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas myth videos.

Music List[]

Time Song Source
0:00 Theme Song The X-Files
3:10 Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variation) Rob Dougan
6:44 Lux Aeterna Clint Mansell

At 5:46, a Discord notification sound plays.


Click "Show transcript" to see the transcript.


myth #1:

rumors say that bigfoot
cna be found around
back o beyond and in
the cabin in shady creek

[Cuts to gameplay of person in Back o Beyond driving through the woods before stopping and getting out. The player then uses camera and takes a picture before running over to tree.]

this tree isnt hasnt used to be here last time i invenstigated...

[Player then uses camera on tree before taking a picture and running back to the car before driving away.]


[The player then starts driving around the woods before encountering a pickup off the road.]

look at dat probably not cursed car lmao
fuckan piece of shit lmao i cant imagine
anyone ever driving it its probably bigfoots

[The player then starts driving up a hill before it goes backwards into the river.]


[Cuts to the player then driving the pickup truck]


[After more some driving in the pickup truck, they encounter the cabin and get out of the truck.]

this is teh supposed locatio of bigfoot.

[The player then aims the camera at the cabin before entering the cabin.]



[The player then answers the phone.]

ayo bitch

who is tihs?

u trespassin on my turf dumb
bithc get da fuck outa mah
house busta or imma come
dere and fuck u up hear me
dumb as BITCHV

[The player then starts running outside of the house and shakes the camera violently.]

Loud CJ: a

[The player then jumps onto a ATV and drives away from the house before jumping off and taking a picture.]

ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {[(REAL)]}

MYTH #2:
that one buried
body from that
weird arg or

[Cuts to gameplay of the player using a helicopter while it is stormy.]

its raining.

[The player then lands the helicopter in the middle of the road before running out and searching throughout the town.]

lets serch for this coordiants

fuck wrong way lmao

[The player then runs over to a shed before taking out a camera and taking pictures of said shed.]

This is where the body is supposedly hidden.

[The player then runs into the shed.]

i forgot my shovel i have to dig
it with my legs

[The player then starts jumping on the spot of the supposed body.]

oppa gangnam style haha

there is nothing here. i mean i
cant believe anyone ever believed
this was true how dumb do you
have to be jesus christ

[The player then runs out of the shed before the gameplay is quickly cutoff.]

myth #3:
hiding in the
San Andreas
Gunners HQ

[Cuts to gameplay of the player using a jetpack flying over to a army base.]

its raining.

[The player then takes off the jetpack and runs around the army base.]

This is the HQ where Quadruple-X is
allegedly hiding.

there should be a hidden
passageway around here

[After a little bit, they encounter a hill with a grate on top. They then take out a pistol and shoot out the grates on top.]

strange. paranormal. this isnt
supposed to be closed off.

[The player then runs away from it.]

i-i-- i--i -i- -i- i-i--i--i-think w-w-
shoud L--L-L-L------------Leave


[Cuts to gameplay of the player in a land rover in the desert.]

its raining.

[Player focuses camera on a giant naturalsandstone pillar.]


[The player gets out of land rover and switches to a sniper rifle. They then use the scope to zoom in on the sandstone pillar.]

there doesn seem to be
anything here.

[The player then activates cheats to give themselves a jet pack to fly over the sandstone pillar and to the top of it.]

maybe on top?

[After finding nothing on top, the player then heads down before the video cuts out.]]

ill come back in a
few months i guess


  1. "literally me rn". YouTube playlist by ivan.