SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Batting Theme - Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby" is a high quality rip of "Batting Theme" from Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby.


At the start, it begins with a live debate of several backroom members of SiIvaGunner over whether L.A.M.A.J. or ERIOIOIRE would win in a fight, with the photos of both characters shown. At 13:35, someone says "That is so dumb, I don't want to participate in this debate anymore." After this, they start playing the advertised game, with the advertised track playing in the background, with the video changing to show the gameplay footage with L.A.M.A.J and ERIOIOIRE in the edges, while the debate continues.

At 54:07, after the line "That's the stream everyone, good night" it abruptly cuts to a version of the Green de la Bean jumpscare, with an image of Christopher Robin from the game and text changed to "Uh oh! You friccin mortal. You just got ROBIN'D!/Tag your friends to... Oh. That's right. You don't have any. You killed them all on your way here. Silly old bear." referencing the video "SILLY OLD BEAR.".


See Also[]

