SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Battle Against a Gorgeous Foe - MOTHER 4" is a high quality rip of "Battle Against a Gorgeous Foe" from MOTHER 4.


The rip includes snippets from various memes often used on the channel. Note that the Howie Scream heard at the beginning of the rip is actually already in the official track.

Time Snippet Meme Source
0:01 "FLEENTSTONES" Joel's reaction to 7 GRAND DAD Vinesauce Joel
0:05, 1:02 "op" Gangnam Style PSY
0:07, 0;21, 0:56, 1:10 screams Loud Nigra Wife Enjoys Big Ben
0:11, 0:12 "To-", "-te" Snow halation Love Live!
0:13 *Overdrive guitar notes* Megalovania Toby Fox
0:15, 0:59, 1:01 trumpet noise "Family Guy Main Title" Family Guy, Walter Murphy


"You're a big guy"

"For you"

"Dr. Pavel from CIA"

Baneposting The Dark Knight Rises
0:20, 1:09 "woo" Cory in the House theme song Cory in the House
0:24, 1:13 "FOUR HOURS!!" "Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Angry Review! IT SUCKS!" Angry Joe
0:25, 1:14 *trumpet noises* "SKULL TRUMPET" NoThisIsNotDog
0:31, 1:29 "BITCH YOU-" "U Guessed It" OG Maco
0:33, 1:22 "ayyyy" "I'm the nigga, ayyy!" WMBF Live News Broadcast
0:38 "Flintstones... [...] ...stone-age" The Flintstones theme song The Flintstones, Hoyt Curtin
0:43 "BONES" Rattle Me Bones commercial TV Commercial
0:45 beginning part of the song "リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー" MACINTOSH PLUS (AKA Vektroid)
0:54 "It's" The Nutshack theme The Nutshack, NUMP
1:27 theme song "Seinfeld Theme" Seinfeld, Jonathan Wolff


  • Nelward made a tweet linking to the rip saying "Lol gilvasunner did a goof on gorgeous foe. What an honor".[1]
  • This rip was originally titled "Battle Against a Gorgeous Foe - Mother 4".[2]


  1. Tweet by @nelward64.
  2. Tweet by @GiIvaSunner.