"Beloved Tomboyish Girl" (おてんば恋娘, Otenba Koimusume), also known as "Tomboyish Girl in Love", is a frequently ripped track from the Touhou Project franchise and a minor meme on the SiIvaGunner channel.
Cirno would prove to be popular among the new Touhou fans, and in particular two remixes of her theme, "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" by IOSYS and "Chirumiru Cirno" by Conagusuri, achieved memetic popularity reaching outside of the Touhou fanbase. Due to this and other popular memes related to Cirno, she and her theme are some of the most widely-recognized elements of Touhou.
"Beloved Tomboyish Girl" is the second-most-recurring Touhou-related joke on the channel, behind "Bad Apple!!". It is prominently used in rips on September 9, a day on which fans of the series dedicated to Cirno. As a minor character, she has made occasional appearances on the channel.