SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

Fire Emblem Fates is a series of tactical role-playing video game for the Nintendo 3DS handheld video game console, consisting of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, and Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation.


On the GiIvaSunner channel, Fire Emblem Fates was considered a single game, and two rips were published under its title. Based on the title of the first rip, "End of All ~ Sky - Fire Emblem: Fates", the GiIvaSunner playlist was likely called Fire Emblem: Fates, although it is not certain. The second rip, "Dark Wastes - Fire Emblem Fates", didn't have the colon.

On the SiIvaGunner channel, the Fire Emblem Fates playlist was initially brought back with the reupload of "Dark Wastes - Fire Emblem Fates". However, at some point prior to the upload of "End of All ~ Land - Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest", the rip and playlist had been renamed to "Dark Wastes - Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest" and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, respectively.

In July 2016, the rip "Lost in Thoughts All Alone - Fire Emblem Fates" would be published. It is not known which playlist this rip was put into (or if it was even put into one at all), as it was removed almost immediately after being uploaded. In 2024, a new Fire Emblem Fates playlist was created during Lost Media Day to post a rip referencing this lost rip.


Formerly in playlist[]

The following rips were in the GiIvaSunner playlist.

References in other rips[]

All items (2)
