SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

Rips that were once uploaded to the original GiIvaSunner channel.

See also: Category:January 2016 rips, list of January 2016 uploads, Category:February 2016 rips, list of February 2016 uploads, Category:March 2016 rips, list of March 2016 uploads, Category:April 2016 rips, and list of April 2016 uploads

If you wish to view these rips in their original state, see the unofficial playlist Every GiivaSunner rip in order (Complete) compiling reuploads from SirWall and others or, alternatively, SirWall's original playlist (missing 20 rips and not in order).

This category is not yet complete, as the following two rips do not have any identified jokes:

  • Starman - Invinciblility - Mario Kart: Double Dash‼ (Internet ArchiveTwitter icon)
  • It's Showtime! (Beta Mix) - Undertale (Internet ArchiveTwitter icon)

All items (945)
