SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Christmas Spirit [FILE-07] (Beta Mix) - Haltmann's Archives" is a high quality rip of the beta mix of "Christmas Spirit [FILE-07]", a lore video and the seventh "file" in Haltmann's Archives. It documents a substance similar to Christmas Spirit dubbed "Fool's Spirit" and its powerful, unpredictable nature.


The video is formatted like all Haltmann's Archives videos starting with "[FILE-02]".

The video begins identically to "[FILE-07]". At 0:28, two bursts of static interrupt the text, the first changing "green liquid" to "pink liquid" and the second changing "[Christmas Spirit]" to "[Fool's Spirit]".

From here, instead of Christmas Spirit, the file describes the characteristics and behavior of this "Fool's Spirit" — such as its bright pink color and the ability to warp space around itself. While it varies in viscosity and is extremely volatile like Christmas Spirit, researches at Haltmann Works Company were unable to discern its purpose, and even the elves they interrogated seemed to know nothing of the substance. Furthermore, the researchers failed to generate any more Fool's Spirit, quite unlike Christmas Spirit, which can be infinitely produced. Despite the substance's hypothesized ability to open rifts to other universes, the Fool's Spirit was stored away, believed to be too dangerous to be used. The file ends with another appearance of static.

The video then fades to a scene of a room with a laptop displaying the message "Illucidity ACTIVE" sitting on a table, which is connected to a pod with a server sitting next to it. Sticky notes with sketches of "🐱", the "Circle Game" hand, the SiIvaGunner All-Star Winter Festival snowflake logo, the Kingdom Hearts logo, Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin', and a poster of SiIvaGunner are attached to the wall behind the table. The scene zooms out as a gaseous form of Fool's Spirit seeps into the room, causing the laptop's display and the lights on the server to flicker, accompanied by more bursts of static. After a few seconds, the video fades to black.

Like the original video, "Bonneton" from Super Mario Odyssey and "Timber Owls" from Final Fantasy VIII play in the background while the file is shown. "Giygas' Intro" from EarthBound plays during the final scene.


"Fool's Spirit" appears to be an April Fools' Day counterpart to Christmas Spirit, as this video was uploaded on April Fools' Day 2023. Previously, another counterpart to Christmas Spirit known as "Halloween Spirit" had been seen in "The Lost Rip - A SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story". Several more of these would be introduced later in "Holiday Spirit [FILE-INT-FOOLS] - Haltmann's Archives".

"Illucidity", introduced in "The SiIva AI [FILE-17]", is a dream environment SiIvaGunner was placed in sometime after the creation of the SiIva A.I. to increase the quality of the A.I.'s output by allowing SiIvaGunner to create rips in his dreams and send them to the A.I. Since the SiIva A.I.'s shutdown in "Goodbye to a World Fusion Collab", the channel has exclusively used rips created by SiIvaGunner in Illucidity.


[Haltmann's Archives]
The abilities of [Santa Claus] have been long speculated: stealth, incredible endurance and the ability to fly higher than mach speeds. No mere mortal should be able to zoom around the world in just 24 hours and deliver over a billion presents to every child on earth.

But we believe we have cracked the code -
Santa's abilities are being augmented.

Our [Patrol-Bots] have been conducting reconnaissance in the North Pole and found a massive, heavily guarded production facility. Initially, we thought this was where Santa Claus manufactured his toys, but we also found mining and rigging apparatus, transporting some kind of pink liquid - the elves call it [Fool's Spirit].

We took a small sample back and ran tests on it - a brief description of the substance can be found below.

[Fool's Spirit]
bright pink color
viscosity varies from gaseous to water-like. Method of viscosity change unknown
extremely volatile
occasionally makes clown noises
warps and corrupts space around itself. Keep it locked away in highly secured areas to avoid unintended effects

The purpose of Fool's Spirit is unknown, we captured and interrogated a couple of elves about the substance but they couldn' t seem to recall where it came from, or why they had it with them in the first place.

Despite this, the substance seems to hold a power so immense it can warp space-time around itself. We attempted to use it in a controlled test environment but the results were unpredictable, even when put in the same circumstances the outcome was different each time.

We ran several of the following tests using unaware participants in an attempt to generate more Fool's Spirit:

Telling the participant a [bad joke]
Having the participant sit on a [whoopee cushion]
Spraying the participant with water using a [squirt flower]
Offering the participant a piece of [shocking gum]

None of these tests seemed to generate any additional Fool's Spirit. We ultimately determined that producing any more than what was procured from the elves was impossible.

We speculate that Fool' s Spirit could be used to open up rifts to other universes. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the substance as well as its limited quantity we instead opted to store it away in a highly secure location. Currently the substance is much too dangerous for use in any of our plans...




  1. "i do some silver gunman rips". YouTube playlist by Mitchell.