SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Circus (Builder's Club Version) - Five Nights at Freddy's" is a high quality rip of the Builder's Club version of "Circus" from Five Nights at Freddy's.


The video begins with footage of a ROBLOX game, starting with the player looking at the video's thumbnail with the advertised track playing.

At 0:06. the player zooms out the camera, with the advertised track fading out. At 0:09, audio of Joel's reaction to 7 GRAND DAD starts playing alongside the video, as well as "Sky High" by Elektronomia. The video is also synced with Joel's reaction.

The first image shown are 7 Marios pasted on a black background arranged in a Loss-esque formation, the player answers with "mario 7", leading to a cropped image of the 7 GRAND DAD title screen. The player says "grand dad", then leading to an image of a 3D model of Fred Flintstone, the player answers "fleenstones", then leading to an image of Grand Dad. The player answers with "grand dad" again, then leading to another image of Grand Dad, the players says the same thing, leading to another image of Grand Dad before the video cuts off.


  • The player in the video seems to be SiIvaGunner during the ROBLOX 17th Anniversary event.
  • The game in the video is based on the guessing games seen on ROBLOX.
  • The mix name is a reference to an old ROBLOX membership that was discontinued.


  1. "Incredible Video Game Music (IVGM)". YouTube playlist by Jazziest.