SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Circus (Club Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's" is a high quality rip of the club mix of "Circus" from Five Nights at Freddy's.


At the beginning, audio from the Panty & Stocking episode "The Diet Syndrome" comes in over the advertised track.

At 0:08, the rip becomes a mashup of "Cherryboy Riot" by Teddyloid with "Absolute Territory".


  • "Triple-AshcorpSagetH", listed as a "composer" in the description, is a portmanteau of the names of Triple-Q, Ken Ashcorp, BotanicSage, and MtH, as well as referencing an inside joke with all the listed names being one person.
  • The album version omits the "Circus" intro.