"Circus (Expanded & Enhanced Edition) - Five Nights at Freddy's" is a high quality rip of the expanded & enhanced edition of "Circus" from Five Nights at Freddy's.
The advertised track plays until 0:05, with audio of the "Desmond the Moon Bear" segment from "asdfmovie2" by TomSka also mashed up at 0:03. At 0:06, the rip switches to an arrangement of "Stuck Inside" in the style and instruments of "300TMND: THIS IS SPARTA (fun times mix)", with vocals from both included throughout.
- The credited composer references the username and password for the spartaremixplanet.com website.
- The mix name and listed platforms references Grand Theft Auto V: Expanded & Enhanced Edition.
- The album version lacks the "Desmond the Moon Bear" section of the rip.