"Circus (Mix Version Mix Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's" is a high quality rip of the mix version mix mix of "Circus" from Five Nights at Freddy's.
The advertised track plays normally until 0:09, where it is interrupted by a Discord sound effect that plays when someone joins a voice call. Immediately after, it switches to the chorus of "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony", which is pitch-shifted to "Meet the Flintstones". At 0:30, the pitch-shifting is more sophisticated. Starting at 0:40, the more sophisticated loop is looped for most of the rest of the rip, looping a total of 180 more times. From 27:30 to 27:51 (the 83rd loop), the melody returns to normal and the vocals are replaced with samples from Joel's reaction to 7 GRAND DAD. The rip's length references a video in which the same part of the original song is looped for an hour.
The mix name references the enunciation of the start of the chorus of "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony"; in both "mix version mix mix" and "内内个内内" ("nèi nèi gè nèi nèi"), only the third syllable is unstressed.
- This is the longest "Circus" rip on the channel, lasting more than 1 hour, followed by 72 Mixes Of Fame.
See also[]
- Other "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony" of long video length: