SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Circus (Weet-Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's" is a high quality rip of the Weet-Mix of "Circus" from Five Nights at Freddy's.


At the beginning, audio from the "This kid's definitely on crack right now" plays. The advertised track then starts playing in sync with the ball bouncing off the kid's head.

At 0:06, the audio abruptly stops and switches to "The Hampsterdance Song". At 0:14, the melody changes to "Caramelldansen". At 0:43, the melody starts to change to "Meet the Flintstones" shortly before the rip abruptly ends.


  • The mix name is a play on Weet-Bix, an Australian cereal brand.
  • The composer credit is a portmanteau of Hampton the Hampster and The Slopster.

