SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Cirno's Perfect Math Class - Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival" is a high quality rip of "Cirno's Perfect Math Class" from Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival.


At the start, audio from "Casting Out Nines" by Numberphile is mashed up with the advertised track. At 0:10, "e (Euler's Number)" is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 0:51, an unknown video is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 1:05, "The Number Song" by Logan Paul is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 1:08, an unknown video is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 1:11, "Man's Not Hot" by Big Shaq is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 1:14, the "9+10=21" Vine is pitch-shifted and mashed up with the advertised track. At 2:00, the "Markiplier E" sound effect is played.
