"Defense Battle 1 - Tetris 99" is a high quality rip of "Defense Battle 1" from Tetris 99.
This serves as a remaster of the VvvvvaVvvvvvr rip "Defense Battle 1 - Tetris 99".
At 0:01 and 1:10, the line "Jimmy's fucking dying here!" from The Life and Times of Wade L.D. is pitch-shifted to the advertised track, this time with better pitch-shifting. At 0:42 and 2:05, "S.L.A.B. Freestyle" is mashed up with the advertised track, but sentence-mixed to say various names, most of which are related to "The Life and Times of Wade L.D.": "L.D., 2B, Jimmy, CG..."
At 1:24, the melody of the track and the pitch-shifted "Jimmy's fucking dying here!" clips are changed to several songs: "Meet the Flintstones", "We Are Number One" at 1:30, "Green Greens" at 1:37, and "Megalovania" at 1:44.
At 2:22, as the rip fades out, voice says "Honestly Dad?... seeing you clear all those garbage blocks with 10 survivors left was undeniably epic victory royale." This is a spoof of a line from "The Life and Times of Wade L.D.": "Honestly though... seeing you ride on horseback with a hot chick while being chased by the cops was undeniably cool."
- In contrast with the VvvvvaVvvvvvr version, this rip longer by a minute and 23 seconds, uses segments of the advertised track not included in the Vavr original, has two "S.L.A.B. Freestyle" sections instead of only one.