[We open on the U.S.S. Enterprise voyaging through space. Inside, we see that SiIvaGunner is in the Captain Kirk role.]
Sulu: Sir, contact with an object.
SiIvaGunner: Fire those lasers!
Spock: I would recommend--
[SiIvaGunner shoots Spock and pistol-whips Sulu.]
SiIvaGunner: Fire those lasers!
[Cut to The Voice's tower as "The Noble Haltmann" plays. Inside, The Voice is bossing around a man in a plaid shirt.]
The Voice: [shoving a clipboard in the man's face] Get to work, bitch.
[The man grins and gives a thumbs up.]
The Voice: [walking off to stand by the window] I think I'll go stand by the window for no reason now.
[A bright yellow light gradually appears in the sky.]
The Voice: Huh? Oh dear god!
[The light becomes blinding. Cut to SiIvaGunner's house, where his alarm clock wakes him up at 8:00. He punts the clock out the window, where it lands in a dumpster next to Nico Yazawa. He then kicks open the door to his bedroom and walks out, only to be hit in the head with a boot by The Voice at the door.]
The Voice: Hurry the fuck up! We're late for court!
SiIvaGunner: [getting up off the ground] Fuck.
The Voice: Now... [slapping SiIva around] Get dressed. [slams door shut]
[The Voice walks out of the house.]
The Voice: Fuckin' little moron.
[SiIva leaves his house, now clad in a suit and tie, and sees The Voice in a car.]
The Voice: Let's go.
[SiIva yeets himself towards the car with a Howie scream and ricochets off. The Voice facepalms and the two drive off, approaching a cop pulling CJ from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas over.]
Cop: Passenger, show us your hands.
[The Voice smashes into the cop car, and CJ runs around happily.]
CJ: Yeah, bitch!
[CJ trips and lands on his face, and The Voice resumes driving.]
SiIvaGunner: Nice driving, idiot!
[The Voice drives directly into the information desk of a courthouse, knocking the person at the desk onto the floor. The Voice and SiIva get out.]
The Voice: Where's our courtroom?
[The person at the desk, still laying on the floor, points them in the right direction. We then see The Voice and SiIva on trial in the courtroom, with the prosecutor being a man with the Sony logo for a head. Instead of a gavel, the judge just bangs a regular hammer on his bench. Xarlable is recognizable as one of the spectators.]
Judge: We will now commence the trial of SiIvaGunner vs. Sony Music Entertainment. Mr. Gunner, you've been accused of over 5,000 counts of copyright infringement. Do you understand the charges against you?
[SiIva and Sony stare coldly at each other. SiIva flips Sony off, then remembers that the judge is watching and quickly lowers his arm, causing the judge to raise an eyebrow.]
SiIvaGunner: I only upload high--
Judge: We will now hear your opening statement, Mr. Voice.
SiIvaGunner: What the f--
[The Voice reaches into his suitcase and eats a submarine sandwich. SiIva and The Voice look at each other, and the latter gives a thumbs up. Fade to some time later.]
Judge: Mr. SiIva, your closing statement?
SiIvaGunner: I only upload high-quali--
[SiIva is knocked onto the floor by a suitcase.]
The Voice: Moron.
[A spectator points and laughs at SiIva's body.]
Judge: For the charges of over 5,000 counts of copyright infringement, I have found in favor of Sony Music Entertainment.
[The camera closes in on SiIva's face as a tense chord plays. Xarlable does a spittake.]
Xarlable: Ohhh, this is bad!
[Sony chuckles evilly.]
Judge: Mr. Gunner, for your charges you will be sentenced to three months in YouTube copyright school to prevent further violations.
[The judge bangs his hammer. The Voice turns to look at SiIva.]
SiIvaGunner: ...fuck.
[Title: "the next day..."]'
[Once again, the alarm clock goes off at 8:00. This time, the clock takes off like a rocket, then lands on SiIva and explodes. SiIva then makes a cup of coffee and enters the garage. He considers two choices of vehicle: the bicycle Elliot rode in kitty0706's videos and Fred Flintstone's car. He opts for the latter, going on a madcap ride where he knocks a car on its back, ploughs over a construction worker, and drives off a ramp into outer space. He soars past the U.S.S. Enterprise, which is now being manned by the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda.]
The Mandalorian: [watching SiIva soaring past the ship] I'll kill him.
[Captain Kirk is handcuffed and gagged next to the Mandalorian.]
Kirk: You'll never get away with this!
[The Mandalorian shoots Kirk, then blasts SiIva's car, which sends him hurtling back to Earth. He lands in Mr. Cool's classroom from "Elliot Goes to School", which is being attended by The Voice, Xarlable, NBGMusic, a generic Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas pedestrian in an orange shirt with the number 12 on it, and Will Smith. SiIva takes a seat.]
Mr. Cool: Welcome, class. My name's Mr. Anders, and I'll be your YouTube policies teacher for this semester.
The Voice: We already know the shitty policies! We don't need to hear them again!
[Mr. Anders goes walleyed.]
Mr. Anders: Before we begin, I'll just take attendance.
[The Voice collapses in exasperation.]
Mr. Anders: Alright. Mr. Voice...
[The Voice raises his hand.]
Mr. Anders: Ugly kid...
[NBGMusic raises his hand. SiIva throws a ball at his head.]
Mr. Anders: Xarlable...
[Xarlable's face contorts to the =3 "Cool Transition" sound effect.]
Mr. Anders: Orange 12 Guy...
Orange 12 Guy: Wassup, dawg?
[Orange 12 Guy starts furiously smoking.]
Mr. Anders: ...and Will Smith.
Will Smith: This is a black thing, isn't it?
Mr. Anders: Uhh...
Will Smith: Man, you can drop deeeaaad!
[Will throws a ball at Mr. Anders' head.]
Mr. Anders: Alright, let's begin with an outline...
The Voice: [to SiIva] This is all your fault, you fucking moron!
SiIvaGunner: Whatever, triangle head! Your ass couldn't even get rid of anime, and now you're stuck here! Hahohoho...
[The Voice and SiIva start fighting.]'
The Voice: Fuck you, piece of shit!
[Will sees the two fighting and gets up with a scowl.]
Will Smith: Shut up!
[Will Smith throws a large item of furniture at The Voice and SiIva.]
NBGMusic: Yeah, shut up, guys. What are you doing here, anyway?
SiIvaGunner: That dumb Sony Music took us to court, and now we gotta stay for a semester!
[Xarlable bursts into laughter.]
NBGMusic: See, this is why you should've been--
Orange 12 Guy: I smoke 'cause it gives me knowledge!
[Orange 12 Guy smokes and collapses on the ground. SiIva, The Voice, Xarlable, and NBGMusic turn to stare at him as we hear a "What the fuck?". Orange 12 Guy lets out a single cough. Crickets chirp.]
NBGMusic: Now we could get back at him. I say we sneak out at lunch and pay him a little visit.
The Voice: I want to kick that guy's ass! He took my tower from me!
SiIvaGunner: Let's get my rips back!
[The classmates, except for Orange 12 Guy, rally together.]
NBGMusic: Let's do it.
The Voice: I'm in.
Will Smith: I could take this guy in a minute!
SiIvaGunner: I'm ready!
The Voice: Excellent! I guess we gotta sit through these dumb classes now!
[The school bell rings. SiIvaGunner does a flip and drags himself out the door, NBGMusic drags Xarlable out the door, and Will Smith wildly scrambles out the door. In another class, SiIva throws a crumpled-up paper at The Voice.]
Will Smith: See, it's like, I can have a leg in one hand, and a brerb in the other!
[kitty0706's Mr. Higglesworth throws a clipboard at Will's head.]
Mr. Higglesworth: You failed! [manic laughing]
[In another class, a Team Fortress 2 Engineer is building a Sentry Gun.]
Engineer: Buildin' a Sentry!
[The Sentry explodes.]
Engineer: Guess I got the Midas touch!
[The Engineer bursts into flames. SiIva collapses onto his desk. Cut to a man writing on a whiteboard as we hear Vsauce's "Why Do We Wear Clothes?" video. SiIva is sighing in annoyance, The Voice is watching the "Keanu Reeves says “why do you cum”" video on a computer, and NBGMusic is watching "A "Hard Day's Work" - Mr Rental: The Video Game" on another computer. Fade to a ticking clock, then cut to Sony concluding a board meeting, then cut to him at The Voice's tower, watching the "Ghost Chips" PSA and drinking a Coke. We then see The Voice, SiIva, NBGMusic, Xarlable, and Will Smith driving up to the tower. Cut back to Sony, who is mashing a controller while the television displays "Keanu Reeves says you have an impressive cock". The classmates are now inside the tower's elevator, preparing for battle, with The Voice cocking a gun and SiIva and NBGMusic wearing bulletproof vests. The classmates meet Sony face to face. Sony walks towards them, and The Voice fires. Sony dodges the bullets and breaks out. a gun of his own, and the two duel.]
The Voice: Give me back my tower!
[Sony grabs The Voice by the neck and throws him to the side.]
SiIvaGunner: Oh, Jesus Christ!
[Will attacks Sony with his leg in one hand and his brerb in the other.]
Will Smith: Man to man, toe to toe!
[Sony kicks Will in the groin, launching him back into the elevator. Xarlable then punches Sony, but Sony kicks him into the ceiling.]
NBGMusic: Oh, shi--
[Xarlable lands on NBGMusic.]
SiIvaGunner: Bruh.
[SiIva and Sony fight each other. Eventually, SiIva ends up on the ground with Sony running right at him.]
SiIvaGunner: Fuck.
[SiIva grabs Sony and throws him out of the tower's window, where he lands flat on the pavement. SiIva jumps out and lands on his feet. Sony grabs a gun, but SiIva throws a knife at him, which both knocks the gun out of his hand and stabs him.]
SiIvaGunner: Now you're dead, bitch!
[SiIva grabs a gun. Sony flips him off.]
Sony: Fuck you.
SiIvaGunner: I only upload high-quality rips!
[SiIva fires. Roll credits to "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5.]