SiIvaGunner Wiki
SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Ending "Touch Detective" - Touch Detective" is a high quality rip of "Ending "Touch Detective"" from Touch Detective.


At 0:07, the melody changes to "Never Gonna Give You Up". At 0:23, it changes to "Snow halation". At 0:39, it changes to "Meet the Flintstones". The rip loops back to 0:07 at 0:54 and at 1:41, and then fades out.

The melody of "Meet the Flintstones" is in G major (or G mixolydian) while the rest of the track is C major.


  • This rip was originally titled "Ending - Touch Detective".[2]


  1. "SiIvaGunner RIPS I made or helped with in some way". YouTube playlist by SodaMindReader.
  2. Tweet by @InstRipInfoSys.