This rip is a continuation of "Opening Cutscene - Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz". It begins as a parody of Eggman's memetic announcement from the video "Sonic Adventure 2 (Dark Story + Final Story) | Real-Time Fandub Games" by SnapCube, done by Dr. Doofenshmirtz. After that, Perry the Platypus, who has now escaped from Doof's trap, hits him in the head and causes him to hit the Channel-Takeover-inator's self-destruct button. The rip then ends with the event's credits in the style of Phineas and Ferb, complete with a credits scene featuring HOBaRT.
Click "Expand" to read the transcript.
[The video begins with a shot of the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building, accompanied by its signature jingle. It then cuts to Dr. Doofenshmirtz.]
Dr. D: I've come to make an announcement! Perry the Platypus is a bitch-ass motherfucker! He pissed on my fucking ex-wife! That's right:
[The video shows a parody of "Mario Pissing" with Perry insted of Mario.]
Dr. D: He took his Platypus fucking semi-aquatic dick out...
[The video shows a picture of Doof's ex-wife, Charlene Doofenshmirtz.]
Dr. D: ...and he pissed on my fucking ex-wife! And he said... "Grrrrrrrr" ...and I said, "That's disgusting!'
[The video shows a picture of Doof posting from the SiIvaGunner Twitter account.]
Dr. D: So I'm making a callout post on my Cancel-inator! Perry the Platypus, you've got a small dick!
[The video shows a picture of Doof holding a muffin. taken from the series finale "Last Day of Summer"]
Dr. D: It's the size of this muffin, except way smaller! And guess what...
[The video cuts to a view of space.]
Dr. D: Herer's what my dong-inator looks like!
[Doof's "dong-inator" appears with an explosion.]
Dr. D: Ah-hahahahaha! That's right, baby! Tall points, no fur, no beaver tail! Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong-inator! He fucked my ex-wife, so guess what: I'm gonna fuck the Tri-State Area!
[The video shows the "dong-inator" activating.]
Dr. D: That's right, this is what you get! BEHOLD: MY SUPER LASER PISS-INATOR!
[The video shows the "dong-inator"'s "super laser piss".]
Dr. D: Except I'm not gonna piss on the Tri-State Area... I'm gonna go higher... I'm pissing on the SECOND DIMENSION!
[The video shows the second dimension from Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension.]
Dr. D: Ah-hahahahahaha! How do you like that, Roger?! I PISSED ON ANOTHER DIMENSION, YOU IDIOT!
[Perry the Platypus suddenly appears and hits Doof on the head, making a "bonk" sound.]
Dr. D: Hey, I didn't even get to show you my Space Jam mashup!
[Doof is then pushed onto the Channel-Takeover-inator's self-destruct button. A text-to-speech voice says "Self-destruct sequence activated."]
[An explosion occurs, followed by static. A musical sting from Phineas and Ferb plays, which then leads into the event's credits, with a scene featuring HOBaRT wearing an OWCA fedora, shaking rapidly, while a shortened version of the rip "Main Theme - Where's My Perry?" plays in the background. The video ends with the parody of the Disney Channel logo with Wood Man's face on it first seen in "Phineas and Ferb Takeover Reveal || SiIvaFes".]
Special Thanks:
Dan Povenmire
Jeff "Swampy" Marsh
Danny Jacobs
Nernant wolfman1405
Everyone who contributed to the event!
Special Curses:
Perry the Platypus
Phineas and Ferb owned by Disney
The Channel-Takeover-inator's self-destruct button is labelled "MF SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON" and references the MF Like Button.