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"Epic - Steve Harvey" is a high quality rip of "Epic" from Steve Harvey.


This is a crude 2000s era YouTube Poop-style video done in the same style as "Sex - Steve Harvey" and "Harlem Shake - Steve Harvey". The audio is deliberately low-quality throughout.

At the start, the rip begins with a Google Earth "3D buildings" view of Steve Harvey's house that also has a frame of Steve Harvey looking at his foot and screaming after stepping in horse poop edited onto the roof. Starting at 0:05 and throughout, it cuts to said Steve Harvey clip, this time heavily edited and pitch-shifted in a chaotic manner, as well as edited over a background with clouds, in a manner that makes Steve Harvey appear to be ascending. At 0:10, the "Nerf This!" fart sound effect plays. At 0:20, the Steve Harvey footage is inverted several times. At 0:26, Steve Harvey saying "Hey Steve, you about to step in the doodoo!" from said clip plays. At 0:27, it briefly cuts to the original clip, albeit still in a heavily edited and pitch-shifted manner. At 0:31, other portions of the clip are played in a high pitched and stretched manner, with portions also stuttering. At 0:45, it shows a clip from Family Feud where the contestant says "We're going with-", followed by the clip being stretched out as she says "sex" with heavy reverb also applied. At 0:47, Steve Harvey turns bright red and gradually zooms in, followed by the clouds inverting. At 0:51, it cuts to an unknown Family Feud promo with Steve Harvey. The United States Emergency Alert System alarm plays during this, each time cutting to a different image with Steve Harvey:

  • At 0:53, an edit Steve Harvey with his eyes and mouth removed is shown.
  • At 0:55, it cuts to a photo of a screen displaying a drawing of Steve Harvey as Sans.
  • At 0:56, it cuts to Demoman from Team Fortress 2 with his head replaced by Steve Harvey's.
  • At 0:59, a vector illustration of a confused Steve Harvey fades in, then abruptly disappears.

At 1:00, it cuts back to the descending cloud background, this time with a different image of Steve Harvey used. It briefly then cuts back to Steve Harvey screaming after stepping in horse poop, before cutting back to the initial Steve Harvey image which gradually zooms in, as an unknown clip of Steve Harvey plays. At 1:06, it flashes between said Steve Harvey image and one where he is flipping two middle fingers off. At 1:08, the two images also cycle between two different positions, as "ritual" by saorise dream plays in the background. At 1:10, it cuts back to Steve Harvey screaming after stepping in horse poop, this time with a Marill from the video "strong" by dydney marill appearing in the middle. At 1:16, Steve Harvey moves to be more on the left and bigger. At 1:21, Steve Harvey moves more to the center, as a stock image of a guy raising his hands and looking to the sky is shown that is also edited to feature Marill in the clouds. At 1:26, Steve Harvey returns to the center of the video, right before it cuts to the "Harvey High School" graphic from Family Feud, with one of the Steve Harvey heads in the graphic zoomed in on at right. At 1:27, it flashes an image of Ridley and Steve Harvey. At 1:29, it shows a frame from the "We're going with sex, Steve" clip. At 1:27, an image of Steve Harvey holding a white sheet saying "WTF" that has the "F" blurred out appears over. At 1:30, a screenshot from STEVE appears on the top. At 1:35, the said Steve Harvey screaming clip is colored to be almost all white. At 1:51, it cuts to a video made in Toontastic showing two rocket ships in space and a planet that has Steve Harvey's face on it. An unknown line saying "-trying to invade Earth. We must protect ourselves" is said during this. At 1:55, an edit of the STEVE logo reading "HAWK TUAH" appears, followed by an explosion GIF. At 1:57, it cuts to a park that has Steve Harvey screaming after stepping in horse poop in the background and several default Toontastic astronaut characters moving across the screen. At 1:58, it cuts back to the cloud background with said Steve Harvey clip, this time with him zooming in on the viewer. It then briefly cuts to Steve Harvey's teeth, as they are content aware scaled, right before cutting to a different image of Steve Harvey. The image then moves to the top right, accompanied by a pitched-down clip of Steve Harvey screaming "What!?" from the "We're going with sex, Steve" clip. At 2:02, an unknown song plays, as a sped up version of the Steve Harvey face inputted into from "Harlem Shake - Steve Harvey" appears. At 2:03, it changes to an unknown video of Steve Harvey dancing. At 2:06, it cuts back to the Steve Harvey screaming clip, before his body is morphed into the shape of a TV. Starting at 2:17, several different images appear over the Steve Harvey TV, with several audio clips playing, some of them arranged in a manner to depict a sex scene between Steve Harvey and John Nada from the 1988 movie They Live:

  • At 2:17, an image of an ad with Steve Harvey saying "For more Hilarious Video Clips with Steve Harvey, Go to:". Accompanying this is Steve Harvey saying "Family Feud" at different pitches.
  • At 2:21, an image of Steve Harvey with "HAPPY 2017" on the top and a ghetto redhot watermark on the right. Accompanying this is Steve Harvey saying "Oh we got to goon-".
  • At 2:22, a slightly content aware scaled version of Steve Harvey. Accompanying this is Steve Harvey saying "???".
  • At 2:23, a different content aware scaled version of Steve Harvey. Accompanying this is Steve Harvey saying "???".
  • At 2:24, a frame from the "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass" scene from the 1988 movie They Live appears, referencing the rip "Sex - Steve Harvey". Accompanying this is M. Bison saying "Yes!" from the Street Fighter The Animated Series episode "The Medium is The Message" and the Family Feud theme at a lower pitch that plays for several seconds after
  • At 2:27, the aforementioned scene plays, repeating "I have come", in a manner similar to the aforementioned rip.
  • At 2:31, an image of Steve Harvey pointing. Accompanying this is Steve Harvey saying "???".
  • At 2:33, a frame from the aforementioned They Live scene. Accompanying this is John Nada sentenced-mixed to say "Cum on ass".
  • At 2:34, several different images with Steve Harvey briefly flash, accompanied by Steve Harvey screaming:
    • A cake pop of Steve Harvey.
    • Steve Harvey laughing on Family Feud.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey with his eyes whited out and the image tinted red.
    • Steve Harvey laughing on STEVE.
    • An edit of Toad from Super Mario 64 with Steve Harvey's face.
  • Steve Harvey is then sentenced-mixed to say "On my ass!".
  • At 2:37, several frame from the aforementioned They Live scene. Accompanying this is John Nada sentenced-mixed to say "Cum on your ass".
  • At 2:39, even more various different images with Steve Harvey begin flashing:
    • The aforementioned edit of Toad, this time zooming in on Steve Harvey's face.
    • A picture of a shirtless Steve Harvey.
    • A low quality image with Steve Harvey saying "7 MILLION LIKES/ Thank you"
    • An unknown image of Steve Harvey with the quote "I Can Whip Somebody's Ass!".
    • An image of an ad for Steve Harvey's book Jump with "Stop just existing and START LIVING!".
    • An edit of said ad that zooms in on Steve Harvey on the book cover and the text "Stop existing".
    • A low quality image of Steve Harvey's face.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey's face using the FaceApp to make him appear more stern and looking directly at the viewer.
    • The Family Feud logo edited without the main text.
    • A low quality image of Steve Harvey's face with his eyes looking up.
    • Multiple images of a low quality image of Steve Harvey's face.
    • Several different low quality images of Steve Harvey's face.
    • A different image of the cake pop of Steve Harvey.
    • An image of a TV that has Steve Harvey on it.
    • An image of Steve Harvey that has the Twitter play button visible.
    • An image of Steve Harvey that has his forehead extended up.
    • A greenscreened and stretched out version of Steve Harvey screaming after stepping in horse poop.
    • An image of Steve Harvey.
    • A drawing of Cosmog with Steve Harvey's face.
    • A screenshot from Super Mario 64 at the castle courtyard fountain that has Steve Harvey and the text "i am in super mario 64" edited on the top left.
    • A frame of Steve Harvey driving a moped on STEVE.
    • An edit of the "Cool Transition" graphic from =3 reading "Steve Harvey".
    • A low quality YouTube Minecraft thumbnail with Steve Harvey and the text "LOOK AT THIS COOL TREE".
    • A zoomed in image of Steve Harvey.
    • A MS Paint edit of Steve Harvey that has his lower head edited to snake out and comic sans text reading "survey says: microphone".
    • A low quality image of Steve Harvey with the text "Sudden death" below him.
    • A promo for STEVE.
    • The Step 1 image from the "How to Contact Steve Harvey" page on wikiHow.
    • A zoomed in image of Steve Harvey's face.
    • A drawing of Steve Harvey with his name placed below him.
    • An edit of a screenshot from Undertale with Steve Harvey's face edited over Mettaton.
    • An image of Steve Harvey on the "Sausage-Making 101 Class with Empire's Ta'Rhonda Jones!" episode of STEVE.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey on Family Feud with a joint, dreadlocks, and a rastacap added over him. The =3 logo also appears on the bottom right.
    • An image of an ad for Green Dot that has Steve Harvey on it.
    • An image of Steve Harvey's face.
    • An edit of the "stop sending me this shit" tweet by @SteveHarvey that instead has Steve Harvey and a bunny with their mouths swapped.
    • A vertically mirrored image of Steve Harvey.
    • Steve Harvey sitting at a table with cards, edited to leave just Steve Harvey.
    • Promo material for Steve Harvey's Funderdome show.
    • An edit of a low quality frame from the "Gangnam Style" music video with Steve Harvey's head edited over PSY.
    • A picture of Steve Harvey with CCH Pounder.
    • An image of a ROBLOX game with a player dressed and named as Steve Harvey.
    • A frame from an unknown Steve Harvey show where he appears to be dabbing.
    • An edit of an image with Steve Harvey with Arabic text added and two crying laughing emojis added to the upper corners.
    • A MS Paint drawing of Steve Harvey.
    • Charles Barkley with Steve Harvey's face crudely edited over.
    • Another edit of Steve Harvey that has his face edited to snake out and the Comic Sans text "hey guys welcome to the family feud/STARRING STEVE HARVEY".
    • An image of a TV that has Steve Harvey on Miss Universe on it.
    • Another image of Steve Harvey on Miss Universe, this time with the impact text "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!/OOPS, THE SONG PLAYED PPAP, OR PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN.", referencing the notorious moment in the show when Steve Harvey accidentally said Miss Colombia was Miss Universe instead of Miss Philippines.
    • A high contrast edit of Steve Harvey with the comic sans text "Retweet This or You're Mom die in her sleep".
    • An image of Steve Harvey that has googly eyes added over his eyes.
    • A MS Paint drawing of Steve Harvey with his name in comic sans added to the top right.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey with 2B's hair and a white square added over with "SORRY" written on it and "qp ztqu tqn qcsyjb" added on top of that.
    • An image of Steve Harvey over a different cloud background.
    • An image of Steve Harvey with the impact text "!perdon, me equivoque de gruno!".
    • The cover art to "Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success: Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches" by Steve Harvey.
    • An image of Steve Harvey and the text "HAR HAR HAR, HEADASS".
    • A deep-fried edit with six pictures of Steve Harvey superimposed over each other and the caption "WHAT THE H*CK!!!!".
    • An edit of Steve Harvey to have the facial features of Sans and blue lines coming out of his mustache.
    • An image of Steve Harvey laughing.
    • A low quality image of Steve Harvey's face.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey to be playing a saxophone.
    • A screenshot of a Steve Harvey page on the now-defunct website
    • An image of Steve Harvey without the background.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey with his body added over two other spots.
    • An image of Steve Harvey with "Just" on top of him.
    • The =3 set with The Boss Baby pointing with a stick at a whiteboard that has an edit of Steve Harvey with just his upper body and legs, referencing a similar edit with Ray William Johnson.
    • An edit of Steve Harvey with blue lines coming out of his left eye and comic sans text "* survey says: you're gonna have a bad time, kiddo."
    • A high contrast version of Steve Harvey with blue added over his eyes.
    • A Club Penguin penguin that has a suit and tie on and is named "STEVE HARVEY".
    • An image of Steve Harvey with Minions that is edited with Lanky Kong and the Comic Sans text "WAhoo flIMBY".
    • A Dreamstime stock photo of Steve Harvey at the 11th Annual BET Awards.
    • ???
    • A screenshot of a YouTube playlist by Joseph Nava titled "Steve harvey funny moments".
    • ???

At 2:50, it cuts to gameplay of Tonka Rescue Patrol with Tonka Joe saying "ALERT! ALERT! THERE'S A FIRE EMERGENCY!", with Steve Harvey saying "Steve doodoo!" also playing during this. At 2:53, it cuts to an edit of a frame from "Pengas Pingas" from Newseum Network News with the following added over:

  • A YouTube annotation saying "fire not crap"
  • A crude drawing of fire added over.
  • Jimmy Neutron and Steve Harvey added to the top.
  • The "drainage" sound effect and poop from Go!Animate added with the poop inverted in colors.

At 2:56, it cuts to a frame from Tonka Rescue Patrol with the rip zooming in on Tonka Joe and "Emote: Zany" from Fortnite playing. At 2:57, it cuts to Steve Harvey on STEVE dancing. At 3:01, it cuts to the visuals used in the two rips titled "Gangnam Style - Steve Harvey" with "Wiener" from "The Original Grandmas Kisses" by SSkeyblademaster (now removed) repeating over. At 3:03, the visuals flip in the center and the audio has a G-Major effect applied. At 3:08, it cuts back to Steve Harvey screaming, with him appearing much louder and his audio playing at a lower pitch and slowed. At 3:12, it cuts to Porygon from "my quick thoughts on The Ultimate Youtube Poop" with him sentenced-mixed to say "That is it. You know what, Steve Harvey? I fucking hate you right now! And now I declare war. I swear to god, I will start to murder you Steve Harvey! It's why I do my best murder. [???] a chance. You guys made me mad. [???] I had enough Steve Harvey". During this, it cuts to various images with Porygon, including one that features Steve Harvey edited with "X"s on his eyes and made to look like he is frowning. At 3:42, Bowser's laugh from Hotel Mario plays, as the rip goes into a crudely-animated battle between Steve Harvey and Porygon filmed on a screen. At 3:43, Barack Obama appears with a podium to stop the battle, however Porygon knocks him away and the two continue to battle. At 3:44, the knife and hand from "Sex - Steve Harvey" appear. The knife disappears, as Steve Harvey says "That was nasty!", followed by Porygon attempting to shoot lighting at Steve Harvey, though it misses. The hand then disappears, with Steve Harvey then moving over Porygon and stomping on him. At 3:52, it cuts to a picture of the Mitla ruins in Oaxaca, Mexico, with a green tinted Steve Harvey on an unknown body and the image from kronusjohnson's r/lies "This is apples newest emoji" post. The emoji tells Steve Harvey that "Yo mama so stupid that she thought Xbox was a box to put everything that has an x! Like stuff that starts with an x or it resembles an x or it has an x in it." Steve then knocks out the emoji. At 3:59, it cuts back to the descending clouds, as the text "waring: the will scare you be alert" with smaller text under it saying "kapeesh?". Steve Harvey screaming then rises up, before the rip cuts to the "Naked Grandma" clip from Family Feud that plays several times. In between the clips, different images and videos appear:

  • At 4:08, right before the contestant says "NAKED GRANDMA!", the rip cuts to a drawing of Steve Harvey, with an edited clip of Steve Harvey screaming.
  • At 4:16, the contestant is sentenced-mixed to say "NAKED STEVE HARVEY", as the rip cuts to a shirtless man over the clouds with Steve Harvey's head added over the head and nipples and a Steve Harvey leg for a penis, with an edited clip of Steve Harvey screaming
  • At 4:24, it cuts to an edit of one of the titular antagonist of Ao Oni with Steve Harvey's face edited over, as it flips and gets closer to the viewer with an edited clip of Steve Harvey screaming "What!?".
  • At 4:30, it cuts back to Steve Harvey heavily edited while screaming.
  • At 4:36, it cuts to gameplay of a ROBLOX high school roleplaying game with a player as Steve Harvey and acting as the principal while running to the viewer, with an edited clip of "Hello, I'm Steve Harvey" over an unknown track.
  • At 4:44, it cuts to several screenshots of "Without Warning - LISA: The Pointless (February 3, 2017)" being played on YouTube with an edited clip of Steve Harvey screaming
  • At 4:46, it cuts to an unknown video.
  • At 4:49, it briefly shows a frame from The Simpsons episode "Carl Carlson Rides Again" with Steve Harvey's name on the left changed to "Steve Harvet", before abruptly cutting back to Steve Harvey screaming.

At 4:53, it cuts to the viral Dubsmash video of the X-Men: Apocalypse cast dancing to "Beast Mode" by Benasis with Steve Harvey's head crudely edited onto Beast, MSPaint black shapes appearing in a manner to make it seem Steve Harvey is singing, and a "Steve" over the word "beast". At 4:57, it cuts to a clip from Killer Bean Forever of Vagan killing Cappuccino. At 4:58, it cuts back to the descending cloud background with Steve Harvey looking in awe, as Steve Harvey screaming is pitch-shifted to "Jingle Bells". At 5:02, it shows a screenshot of a phone which is receiving a call from Barack Obama with an unknown ringtone playing. At 5:07, the rip shows a conversation between Steve Harvey and The Voice Inside Your Head, with The Voice represented by a poorly cut out image of Steve Harvey from the "Steve Harvey talks on his mobile phone while out and about in Manhattan New York City, USA - 05.05.10" image on alamy:

  • Steve Harvey: Hello, this is Steve Harvey, the phone you trying to reach is me, post-[???].
  • The Voice: Hello Steve Harvey, I hope you are doing good. I assume you trying to find new melodies for high quality [???] I guess?
  • Steve Harvey: Yes, my god, [???] watch STEVE on telephone you purchased yet.
  • The Voice: I am [???] for I Steve Harvey yes certainly definitely for sure. Just play with keys the theme to he who is without. I hope you get that. Stevie Steve Harvey, Steve Harvey, Family Feud, host of the Family Feud [???], I guess.

At 5:46, it cuts back to Steve Harvey screaming, this time at a higher and more rapid pitch. At 5:48 and 5:51, the aforementioned screenshot with Barack Obama appears again. The Voice then says "Yourself", followed by Steve Harvey saying "Ok yeah, no problem". At 5:53, a sped up version of "Big Time Rush" by Big Time Rush plays, as the rip plays a clip of Steve Harvey and a little girl on Little Big Shots performing the "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" dance. At 5:57, Steve Harvey is edited to appear to be shooting lighting out of his hand, followed by the rip cutting to promo for Little Big Shots, the thumbnail for "MIND-BLOWING PODIUM DISASTERS!! Steve Harvey LOSES IT!!" by Family Feud, and promo for Little Big Shots on the NBC app. Steve Harvey from the aforementioned thumbnail also appears twice after, with the second edited to have more steam coming out of him. At 6:00, the rip begins to fade into an image of SpongeBob SquarePants, before cutting back to Steve Harvey screaming over the descending cloud background. Steve Harvey is then sentenced-mixed to say "Hell nah, did you talk [???]". At 6:09, a thought bubble appears that has the text "Retweet If you think, hmmm im thinking hmmm" and the rip zooms in on it as the flashback sound effect from Arthur is heard. At 6:10, it cuts to several sped up videos made in the Elf Yourself program with the following images used, set to "Get Crunk" by Brokencyde:

  • Colin Mochrie from "Hyakugojyuuichi" by Neil Cicierega
  • Sportacus from LazyTown
  • Steve Harvey
  • A person in a Mario costume
  • Wil Wheaton
  • ???
  • The DVD cover for Bedtime for Bonzo
  • Angry Joe
  • ???
  • Oro from Dinosaur Adventure
  • Ron Burgundy from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (briefly at 6:32)
  • ???

Several times, different images and GIFs appear:

  • At 6:16, the "epic_fail" Discord emoji appears.
  • At 6:23, this gif of Spazkid appears.
  • At 6:30, two images of Mayor Meanswell from LazyTown with the text "yeet n*gga you thought" appear.
  • At 6:32, an image of a LEGO minifigure laughing fades over.

At 6:40, the rip cuts to the "PSA from Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai" video by Daily Caller, specifically at the moment where "Harlem Shake" plays, as Steve Harvey screaming also plays. At 6:44, it cuts back to Steve Harvey at the descending cloud background, before he rises up. At 6:52, it cuts to Steve Harvey holding a cake pop of himself on STEVE with the Family Feud theme playing. At 6:54, the melody is changed to "Meet the Flintstones", as Steve Harvey's face changes to a more displeased face. The cake pop then explodes, before it cuts to it after it has a bite taken out of it and the rip zooms in on it. At 6:58, Steve Harvey is changed to a version made in the Toontastic app, holding a square with "Family Feud" on it, his face changing depending on the direction of his body, and rapidly moving across the screen. At 7:00, a Gegagedigedagedago nugget briefly flies by. At 7:02, a crudely drawn Dr. Phil with his head appears, as stars start falling on the top right. The two then start to fight each other, before Dr. Phil gets bigger and says "[???] I'm gonna get you with fucker with this." At the same time, a crude drawing based on the "Dr. Phil M&M" meme appears. The two then fully duke it out with each other, with several explosions appearing, set to an unknown song. At 7:26, Dr. Phil gets defeated and Steve Harvey says "The end", not before the Metal Gear Solid "!" sound effect plays, as Steve Harvey notices a stock cartoon image of a helicopter appearing. Several copies of the Dr. Phil M&M drawing appear, each appearing with "Dr. Phil" from a Dr. Phil ad, in a manner similar to a section in the rip "Tutorial - The Town with No Name". Three Dr. Phil M&Ms then start fighting Steve Harvey, as the music gets more high pitch. An anvil then gets dropped on Steve Harvey. Dr. Phil then awakens again, as the Bowser laugh from Hotel Mario plays. The rip then cuts to Steve Harvey fighting a much larger Dr. Phil, accompanied by a biplane and Dr. Phil saying the "Dr. Phil" from said Dr. Phil ad at a higher pitch and sped up. At 7:43, a gorilla character appears, as it says an unknown line before it disappears. Steve Harvey and Dr. Phil then have a back and fourth saying their names that quickly speeds up. At 8:00, lines appear that parody the Star Wars opening crawl sequence:




At 8:20, it cuts to several images with text added over an unknown audio playing, before switching to an unknown song:

  • At 8:21, as the visuals switch to an edit of an unknown thumbnail of a "first look" for Mortal Kombat (2021) with Steve Harvey's face over Jax's and the text "DR PHIL IS DR DEAD END/YO THOGUHTS N PLAYAS".
  • At 8:26, it cuts to a picture of Bladee edited to smile in FaceApp, with the text "tranquilizers got me drank phil go b lank", referencing the Bladee song "Trash Star".
  • At 8:30, it cuts to an image of Mr. Food with the text "Oh It's So Good."
  • At 8:34, it cuts to a plush of Bob the Tomato from VeggieTales with the text "Believe in Him. There's nothing more I crave than your last fucking goodbyes".
  • At 8:38, it cuts to an image with Rigby and Mordecai from Regular Show with the text "uhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuhuuhh" that disappears and reappears.
  • At 8:42, it cuts to a promotional image for Steve Harvey's book series The Adventures of Roopster Roux with the cut off text "hey thats not funny gys! that's RELIE".
  • At 8:46, it cuts to an image of Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with the text "ouh.. uou go doctor".
  • At 8:51, it cuts to an edit of My Melody crudely recolored to appear as Kuromi with the text "BYE FELISHA".
  • At 8:52, it cuts to Kuromi with the same "BYE FELISHA" text.

At 8:54, it cuts to several images with Steve Harvey:

  • An image of Steve Harvey sitting.
  • A supposed YouTube screenshot of a video titled "I see dead people... || STEVE" by Steve Harvey.
  • A screenshot from Ask Steve with Steve Harvey saying "Hey Folks Welcome to Ask Steve, Here's something to get you started" with $8,000 being given.

At 8:55, a picture of Nape Mango doing the "Circle Game" hand is shown and zooms in on his face. At 8:56, it cuts to someone's computer monitor with an unknown face on the bottom left that has the "Unregistered" from the Unregistered HyperCam 2 watermark over them. At 9:00, it cuts to Steve Harvey's reaction after the contestant says "We're going with sex, Steve.", before cutting back to the face, as it zooms in on it. At 9:08, it cuts back to the original Steve Harvey and Dr. Phil battle, before both are erased and the rip cuts to black. The rip then slowly fades into white, as the "21" voice clip from the "9+10=21" Vine is played several times and also fades in, referencing the rip "Ness Wins - Super Smash Bros.". At 9:40, it plays "Your Love" by Nicki Minaj, as the rip displays an image made in PicMix with Steve Harvey, the kid from the "9+10=21" Vine, Gaijin Goomba as an angel, and the text "True Ending" on the bottom. This is displayed for the rest of the rip before it fades to black.

Additionally, the composer credit includes Phil Burnell, better known as DarkSydePhil, Rod Speegle, the contestant who gave the answer "NAKED GRANDMA", and David. There is also a mega file link that includes a link to a rar file that contains various images of Steve Harvey used in the rip.


This gallery contains all the files found in the "LOOKING_FOR_STEVE_HARVEY.rar" file, linked on the description of the rip. Each file is named sequentially "photo with the STEVE HARVEY##", and nearly all of them are used in the rip itself (with the exception of "photo with the STEVE HARVEY77.png" which is relevant to the ARG)".


Various clips of Steve Harvey screaming at specific pitches appear consistently at every minute mark. By pressing number keys in the order of "3356921312" on the desktop video player, "Megalovania" can be played. This is hinted as a step by The Voice Inside Your Head's line "Just play with keys the theme to he who is without.", a pun on "Megalovania" being Sans' boss theme in Undertale and the word "sans" meaning "without".

Additionally, at 2:47, an image of Steve Harvey edited with 2B's hair can be seen on the Steve Harvey TV, holding a sign with the string "qp ztqu tqn qcsyjb".

The codes "3356921312" and "qp ztqu tqn qcsyjb" would be used in later steps to unlock the "LOOKING_FOR_STEVE_HARVEY.rar" file linked in the rip's description.


  • The thumbnail for the YTPMV "Konga Harvey Harvet" by Nozobot, which references "Sex - Steve Harvey" and shares several sources with both this rip and the "LOOKING_FOR_STEVE_HARVEY.rar" file, was changed to a stock image of a blue sky to coincide with the release of this rip. As of January 2025, this remains as the thumbnail image for the YTPMV.
    • Within the lens flare on the image, horizontally flipped text can be seen that, when unflipped, reads "XVq_-OJgBTo". This is a YouTube video ID that leads to the video "N**** GETS FUCKED" by xxsaraxx22. The link (and thumbnail change as a whole) was likely put to serve as a red herring for The Susie ARG.
    • Later, the thumbnail was updated to included the Steve Harvey screaming used for the cloud background.