SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Field of Hopes and Dreams (PAL Version) - Deltarune" is a high quality rip of the PAL version of "Field of Hopes and Dreams" from Deltarune.



The rip starts off normally until 0:14, where the advertised track is mashed up with "ANTONYMPH".

From 0:54 to 0:59 and from 2:29 to 2:35, the melody of the lead synth of "ANTONYMPH" is changed to "Field of Hopes and Dreams"; from 1:01 to 1:15, the vocals of "ANTONYMPH" are pitch-shifted and retimed to match the melody of "Field of Hopes and Dreams"; and from 1:28 to 1:31, the melody of "Field of Hopes and Dreams" is changed to match that of "ANTONYMPH".

At 1:35 and 2:37, vocals from "Fishy On Me" by Tiko are sampled, as a reference to the sampling of a cover of "Fishy on Me" in "ANTONYMPH".


At 0:14, the screen cuts to black and immediately after, the rip's visuals become a spoof of "ANTONYMPH"'s official music video, with Noelle in place of Fluttershy from the original video.

Various details and jokes have been added to the visuals, including many references to Deltarune and channel mainstays:

  • At 0:15, 0:46, 1:09, and 1:16, a 7 GRAND DAD DS keychain replaces the Pinkie Pie keychain seen in the original video.
  • At 0:30, the following details have been added to the laptop scene:
    • A Discord call on Noelle's laptop, featuring Berdly, Susie, someone with an egg profile picture (likely Temmie), and someone with a GIR profile picture (possibly Noelle herself). A Spamton shimeji stands in the bottom right corner of the screen. Icons for Adobe After Effects, Minecraft, Discord, Dolphin, and FL Studio are seen in the bottom taskbar (which highly resembles that of Windows 10).
    • A "FNITE" sticker on the laptop, replacing the Domo-kun sticker seen in the original video.
    • Pins of the "SG" SiIvaGunner logo, a Trollface, the Delta Rune, "MW|MM" (in reference to the King for a Day fan work MASHUP WEEK: MEGAMIX), "LOL", Don-chan, and W.D. Gaster on the bulletin board, as well as pictures of a Poppup, a group photo of Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Noelle, and Berdly, Wood Man, Noelle and Rudolph Holiday, and two pictures of Susie with hearts next to them.
    • A Smol Nozomi plush next to the laptop.
    • A poster of Naru Hakobe from Irodorimidori replacing the Nyan Cat poster seen in the original video, subtly referencing the cat-themed Irodorimidori song "Neko Matsuri".
    • A Christmas tree with a Starwalker star on top.
  • At 0:45, the Equals Three "Cool Transition" spoof has been changed from "GAY PONY TRANSITION" to "GAY DEER TRANSITION".
  • At 0:46, two Poppup ads appear (albeit in color), with the head of Hacker acting as a mouse to select the leftmost one.
  • At 1:00, a spoof of the scene where Noelle speaks with Susie and Kris at the beginning of Deltarune: Chapter Two is shown, with Noelle asking "Um... do you like waffles?" and Susie responding "HELL YEAH!!!" in sync with the corresponding lyrics in "ANTONYMPH".
  • At 1:05, the Equals Three episode has been changed to "Rock My Forum".
  • At 1:13, the cupcakes seen in the original video have been changed to the bananas seen in the "Kris Get The Banana" gags in Deltarune: Chapter Two.
  • At 1:14, after the image zooms in on the Grand Dad keychain, the text "That doesn't look like Pinkie/Oh well, it's funny at least" appears, referencing how the visual doesn't match the "keychain of Pinkie" lyric.
  • At 1:31, the sword has been edited to look like Kris's sword.
  • The montage from 1:32 to 1:36 includes the following:
  • At 1:35, the "Fishy On Me" sample is accompanied by a Deltarune Dark World-styled text box with Tiko reading "Tacky wacky!".
  • At 1:36, the cupcakes are now replaced with Fortnite fish, referencing the aforementioned "Fishy On Me" sample.
  • At 2:06, Noelle "sings" "ANTONYMPH" in a Deltarune Dark World-styled text box, with her profile edited to include her hoodie.
  • At 2:22, the credits have been changed in accordance with the rip, with several SiIvaGunner and miscellaneous references throughout (see Credits).
  • At 2:40, a depiction of SiIvaGunner as a unicorn replaces Vylet Pony, and the colors of the stripes at left are replaced by the colors of the rainbow.




This rip was initially planned for October 10, 2021, with ChickenSuitGuy and Deercarcass as the only contributors, but it was rescheduled due to the art not being finished in time. The art was completed by several members of the SG Art Team, namely TVGhost, moralem, Tocinin, mBluett, and 601billionlazer, with various other SiIvaGunner contributors providing sources for the montage. Myeauxyoozi, Netyasha Roozi, and overcast07 also assisted ChickenSuitGuy with some parts of the video.[1]


  • This rip marks the first appearance of "ANTONYMPH" on the channel.
  • The following comments were hearted by SiIvaGunner:
    • Vylet Pony, the song's composer, saying "this is incredible. amazing work."[2]
      • Vylet also shared the rip on her Twitter account.[3]
    • AstroEden, a co-writer and recorder on "ANTONYMPH", saying "as someone who contributed to the original song and loves Noelle with all her heart, this makes me SO HAPPY!! 😭 The effort put into creating this is just incredible".[4]
    • Voreburger, one of the illustrators on the "ANTONYMPH" music video, saying "this is making me go insane holy shit".[5]
  • The rip originally had a standard description, with Toby Fox as the only composer credit and without the "Original" section, before being updated later in the day of its upload to credit Vylet Pony and link to the "ANTONYMPH" music video.[6] A card was also added linking to the "ANTONYMPH" music video.
  • The album release of this rip on The Inevitable Holiday Album features a unique image instead of the album's cover: a cropped version of the artwork of Noelle at her laptop, with a Parental Advisory label added, spoofing "ANTONYMPH"'s single release cover. The Bandcamp page also contains full credits for the rip.
  • According to ChickenSuitGuy, the placeholder name of "ChickenSuitPony" on The Inevitable Holiday Album references his childhood My Little Pony OC.[1]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Field of Love and Cringe". Tumblr post by chickensuitgay.
  2. Comment by Vylet Pony. YouTube.
  3. "what the fuck" - Tweet by @VyletPony. Twitter. December 21, 2021.
  4. Comment by AstroEden. YouTube.
  5. Comment by voreburger. YouTube.
  6. Tweet by @InstRipInfoSys. Twitter. December 21, 2021. ( snapshot)