SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Final Bowser Battle - Super Mario 3D Land" is a high quality rip of "Final Bowser Battle" from Super Mario 3D Land.


The rip is a medley mashup set to the advertised track.

The song has a 3/4 time signature so most of the mashup sources, which are 4/4, are edited in order to fit 3/4.

Time Song name Source
0:00 "Gangnam Style" PSY
"Takyon (Death Yon)" Death Grips
0:15 "Gangnam Style" PSY
"OP" sample PSY
0:33 "Space Jam" Quad City DJs
"Crank That" Soulja Boy
0:51 "Uptown Funk" Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
"Look At Me Now" Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes
1:08 The Nutshack theme NUMP
1:16 "S.L.A.B. Freestyle" Chip tha Ripper
Loud Nigra Wife Enjoys Big Ben
1:26 "Unknown from M.E." Sonic Adventure
"Haunted House" 8-Bit Beast
1:34 Howie scream Stock Sound Effect
"Whales" Hail Mary Mallon
1:43 "All Star" Smash Mouth
"Family Guy Main Title" (Trumpet) Family Guy
1:51 "POKEMON GO SONG!!!" Misha
1:53 "All Star" Smash Mouth
2:00 "CG Rap" Donkey Kong 64, Hinchy
"Crawling" Linkin Park
2:14 "Snow halation" μ's
Loud Nigra Wife Enjoys Big Ben
2:18 "Takyon (Death Yon)" Death Grips
"Ayyyyyy" Sample "Gangnam Style"