SiIvaGunner Wiki

For the second Inspector Gadget takeover, see Gadget Week 2 ft. The Nostalgia Critic.

Gadget Week[1] was a major channel event in which a clone of Inspector Gadget took over the channel.


This takeover, like The Voice's takeover before it, follows the SiIvaGunner lore. Specifically, it follows from the seventh CCC episode, "Loves the Ladies", in which The Voice angers President Haltmann by failing to resurrect his daughter Susie. Haltmann, fed up with The Voice violating his promises, builds Gadgetini Clone 2.0 to oust the Voice from his own tower in "[AUDIOLOG: 19:27, HEAD_OFFICE]", thus beginning this takeover.

The Gadget takeover ends with "An announcement from your new leader", another lore video which involves Gadget being destroyed by a copyright claim, and Haltmann taking over the channel in his place.

This event was later incorporated into the ninth CCC episode, "Timbre of a Kazoo". Gadgetini Clone 2.0 was discussed in the tenth Haltmann's Archives file, "Robotic Usurper". In "The Life and Times of Wade L.D.", it's shown that Wade helped in the creation of Gadgetini 2.0.


The channel's avatar was changed to Inspector Gadget in darkness with glowing, purple eyes, imitating the previous avatar of The Voice. The banner, however, remained as the Voice's Tower banner from the beginning of The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis.

The channel description was changed to:

Oh, SilvaGunner! I cannot wait to watch SilvaGunner. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in SilvaGunner? I love making video game rips with SilvaGunner. Making video game rips with SilvaGunner is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while running a YouTube channel. I understand why all the kids are watching this channel these days—it's because they like video game rips with SilvaGunner. I also like to make video game rips with SilvaGunner. It's the most fun you can possibly have.

What is the point of SilvaGunner?

Rips uploaded[]

Almost all rips uploaded during this event featured one or more of the following:

These rips were compiled into the album Inspector Gunner at the end of the event.

Inspector Gadget's catchphrase is also used during this event: "Go-Go-Gadget Channel Description!"


See also: Category:Inspector Gadget Takeover

Rips unrelated to the event are in italics.

May 14[]

May 15[]

May 16[]

May 17[]

May 18[]

May 19[]

May 20[]

See also: Bad Apple!! Day

May 21[]

May 22[]

May 23[]

May 24[]

May 25[]

May 26[]

See also: President Haltmann Takeover

Community posts[]

Image Text Link Date Note
Oh look, a free iPad. Twitter icon May 14 Tweet made after "[AUDIOLOG: 19:27, HEAD OFFICE]" was uploaded. References the last line of "Minecraft with Gadget".
Wowzers! Twitter icon
Twitter comes close to the most amount of fun you can have in an app. I understand why all the kids are tweeting these days. Twitter icon May 15 Play off of a line from "Minecraft with Gadget".
Inspector Gadget Tweet 0
Miney Crafta. Twitter icon
Wowzers! I just made a mistake!
Good thing Penny was here to have my back.
Twitter icon May 16 Removal and reupload of "King Dedede's Theme - Kirby: Squeak Squad" rip.
Wowzers! A reupload! Twitter icon
Inspector Gadget Tweet I don't like this game. Seems more like “monkey see, monkey do,” than using creative energy. Twitter icon
Inspector Gadget Tweet 2 I am better than you are, so I will do the adventure. Twitter icon Image comes from the Sonic Forces trailer.
Please do not speak to me if you are either a nerd or a MAD agent Twitter icon May 19
#lovelive is not the most fun you can have while playing an app. I don't understand why all the kids are playing it these days. Twitter icon May 20
Have you considered Inspector Gadget™ M.A.D. Grab for iOS? Wowzers, what a great game! Twitter icon
Apparently the nerds are making a kind of video they refer to as "MADs"

I truly hate nerds.
Twitter icon May 23
Happy anniversary to Overwatch, the second most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. Twitter icon Made on the 1st anniversary of Overwatch. Included link to "Main Theme - Overwatch" rip.
Inspector Gadget Tweet 3 Twitter icon May 25
You can shut up now. Twitter icon Includes link to "Main Theme - A Week of Garfield" rip.
I'm always on duty!

So I'm better than you are.
Twitter icon May 26 Last tweet of the Inspector Gadget Takeover.

