SiIvaGunner Wiki

Gadget Week 2 ft. The Nostalgia Critic[1] was a week-long takeover starring Inspector Gadget as channel host... again. However, this time Gadget is not alone, and he fights an army of video game reviewers led by Nostalgia Critic.


During the announcement "You are filled with announcementation.", The SiIva A.I. suffers a major glitch and turns into Inspector Gadget. However, at the end of the video, the Nostalgia Critic reveals himself in opposition of Inspector Gadget and vows to takeover the channel for himself.

The avatar was changed to Inspector Gadget from "Minecraft with Gadget"; it was changed several times throughout the event, following the image sequence of the Tumblr post "minie crafta" by ryu1964, but edited to have the standard gray background used in SiIvaGunner avatars. On April 7, the avatar was changed once again to feature Inspector Gadget holding a gun over a flame background, mimicking the Nostalgia Critic's intro sequence.

The banner was changed to feature Inspector Gadget inside the Tengami lighthouse. Near the end of the event, the banner was changed to a heavily distorted version with the following:

  • The cliffs and lighthouse are all warped and tinted red, with numerous extra cliffs added to each side.
  • A large Inspector Gadget from the second and third images of the aforementioned Tumblr post is added behind the lighthouse.
  • Behind Gadget, the sky is replaced with a red/white energy beam over a black background.

The channel description was changed to:

Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap?

(All content is willingly submitted by a team of content creators.)

Banner artwork is from the game "Minecrap".

The Twitter banner was changed to an image of Mike Matei.

On April 8, the banner was reverted to an empty lighthouse, the avatar was edited to a blank avatar, and the channel description was emptied save for "(All content is willingly submitted by a team of content creators.)". The Twitter name changed to ".".

Rips uploaded[]

As with the previous Inspector Gadget Takeover, rips featuring the Inspector Gadget theme from the 1983 TV series of the same name and Mike Matei's "Minecraft with Gadget" video were uploaded.

In addition to that, rips featuring the themes of video game review channels, particularly the Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd, were also uploaded.


Rips featuring Nostalgia Critic, Angry Video Game Nerd, and other reviewers are noted in bold. Rips more relating to other things of the day are noted in italics.

See also: Category:April Fools' Day 2018

April 1[]

April 2[]

April 3[]

April 4[]

April 5[]

April 6[]

April 7[]

April 8[]

Community posts[]

Image Tweet Link Date Note
Wowsers! I'm finally back on Twitter! Twitter icon April 1 First tweet of the takeover.
Seems more like 'monkey see, monkey do' than using creative energy, if you ask me. Twitter icon In response to Kirbopher streaming "Thomas the Tank Engine (SNES) - Complete OST".
I'm ALWAYS on duty. Twitter icon April 2
47 52 41 4e 44 20 44 41 44 3f 20 46 4c 45 45 4e 53 54 4f 4e 45 53 3f Twitter icon GRAND DAD? FLEENSTONES?" in hexadecimal.
Good gosh! My icon seems to be broken! Go Go Gadget Repairs! Twitter icon April 3 Gadget's profile picture was a white circle at the time.
Ah, there we go, back to normal! Twitter icon After profile picture was fixed.
A retweet of a edit of Snow halation's intro sequence (dubbed) where Inspector Gadget appears and says, "I love building brown bricks in Minecrap". Twitter icon April 4
My English teacher is having us read Fredrick Douglass’ memoirs. When we got out our books, I yelled, “Oh boy! We’re going to build brown bricks in Douglasscraft!” Now, uh, normally, my teacher is okay with me being weird like that, but apparently that was too far. Twitter icon April 5 Taken from a deleted post on the official SiIvaGunner subreddit.
TL;DR: Brown Bricks are NSFC (Not Safe For Class) Twitter icon
DaBrX3JXUAATenR Twitter icon An unsolved Nonogram that makes Gadget's face when solved.
DaBrX3JXUAATenR (Solved)

The solved Nonogram.

Twitter icon April 6 A Polarium password (puzzle code) that is Wood Man's face. It was first discovered and solved by chieze on the SiIvaGunner Discord. The puzzle was made by MtH.
Have you ever stared down the barrel of a gun before?

Twitter icon April 7
Go Go Gadget Gun! WOWSERS Twitter icon
Wire and skin interwine and become one.
My mind is numb to the pain
but now and again, I stare
at myself
and like a current through a cord

the surge of agony overwhelms me.
No words can cry out, but one:

Twitter icon
A retweet of a glitch from Super Mario Odyssey that rockets Mario into the abyss. Twitter icon April 8

See also[]

