"Gallery - Mega Man Legacy Collection 2" is a high quality rip of "Gallery" from Mega Man Legacy Collection 2.
This rip is a continuation of "Museum - Mega Man Legacy Collection"; a compilation of fan works made for Wood Man's birthday, while a compilation of "Wood Man Stage / mm2wood" rips play.
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"Maximum quality must be achieved."
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activegreen |
4zumarill |
7dogmin |
7HQR |
ackrostation |
AGwolf888 |
Ahmad Dafi R. |
Ahmaykmewsik |
Air Fighter Mac |
Alexander |
alexcreepman |
Amiel1124 |
Amigo Monjo |
AmyAmyNight |
andres |
anreol |
Anthony White |
Aquacycle |
ARandomToaster |
Archcannon |
Ariel Chandia |
Arms the Magical Kitsune |
Atominizer |
avocadic |
Avolience |
Avolience |
badcomic |
Bayne |
Big Boi Gaming |
BigBadBlob |
Bigus Johnus |
blabberdookie |
bomberzx |
boop |
Boory |
Brawlcats |
Breadsauce |
brettmuller |
Bria |
Brock Gratz |
Broder |
Bruh de la Boi |
Burdrehnar |
Capn' Wing Ding |
Captain Omelette |
Celi |
Christopher Lry |
Chuggaacrayz |
classyhuman32 |
cluelessw0nder |
Colonel Porksteak |
Colonel Porksteak |
Cone |
Connor |
cookiefonster |
Cornychips |
crybabytif |
Cryptik |
Crystal Clod |
Cyan Crocomire |
Cybershell |
DaStaticArtist |
demonicRiddle |
DemonJeans |
Dirty Spaceman |
doctor dizzyspinner |
Dorito Penguin |
DrewFourteen |
DrHeadcrab |
dungeneer |
eCs |
Elecmarol |
Emm Bee Sea |
Emmanuel Esparza |
Emmanuel Orta |
Ernest Chapeau |
Fancymaster1 |
FireEmblem27 |
Flamez |
FootballHelmoot |
frankie1205 |
Frostfiresoul |
FruitCandyDrop |
Fruzmig |
Furby7749 |
Garf |
GaymerKid420 |
Gellen the Enerous |
Gfb_Toons |
Gliscuck_24 |
Gokul |
Gold Ninja |
Gono |
Great Stinkoman |
Grunkey789 |
GSS207 |
Guest_555 |
GutsehMan |
Harley201 |
HazelRat |
HC1 |
hextechi |
Hintlord |
Hothead2097 |
Huston |
Hyper Ambi |
IdioticMav |
Its_Taldin |
JadeBladeGamer22 |
Jan Jonshua |
Javier Espinosa |
JaxOfTheTCG |
Jeebles |
Joshi |
JoshuaKnox05 |
Josue Sanchez |
Jubei Higuma |
Keeby10 |
Keppo |
killanzuxxu |
Kimemes |
KindKirbyy |
Kito |
Khristoper B |
LanBoat |
Landarin |
LapsyBae |
LarryInc64 |
LarryInc64 |
Leisure_Heights |
Lenox |
Los Osos Piña |
mariosonic500 |
Meme Flowery |
Metal Head |
Mike TGC |
MinerTurtle45 |
MoJa |
MoJa |
Moltern Kirby |
Monotonemonkey |
Mr_Ant87 |
nativeorange |
Nernant |
Nernant |
Ness105 |
NetNerdy |
Niko Baby |
ninjakai03 |
ninjakai03 |
noobzor9 |
Norwalk |
Noss™ |
NotALiz4rd |
notyoshi |
NutellaFrenchToast |
Ogi Byeah |
Osbriey |
Osbriey |
Papa.Blue |
ParadoxShifter |
Pasta937 |
Pepsiman |
Pie Ninja |
Pittpenguin |
PixelatedBeat |
pladica |
Pointprince |
possessed_pasta |
potatopower |
quichepotatoes |
Rammari |
RealMrVideo |
relmette |
RetroGaming |
Rintendo |
RitaCastle + not_tony |
RootLM |
rose, cult of nice leader |
roselennyia |
Rubitussin |
salad snape |
Sarvéproductions |
schrody |
ScradeTweets |
senchayama |
Senichi Rose's Friend |
SimonBeckArt |
Sketchbored |
Skiff |
Skiff |
slamgrene |
Smol/Dan |
Snowman |
some fool |
some fool |
speccy |
Speed_Wielder |
SpookiTomb |
srry cant think of a good name |
Steven Judge |
SuperYoshi64 |
tensuyu |
The D.B. |
The Outliers |
TheMemer27 |
Thinginator |
Thundarius |
TMKDash |
Tocinin |
Toxic Geek |
TreeckoRalts |
TriforceMayhem |
TGS_Frank |
Tyler Munoz |
ucantbeme |
Un Juan Cualquiera |
Viisaflugger |
vin |
Vito |
vladikhuk |
Vozzii |
Wendy Van Burger |
Will J |
YaboiWar |
yazshu |
Yoshi Invader |
Yoshijammer |
Yowasup707 |
YuriGunner |
Zazzro |
Zealot |
Zeldacrafter |
Zep |
ZeztyPepper (a short animation with its own audio) |
Zoom Guy™ |
For the last few frames of the rip, the Wood Man in Zoom Guy™'s piece has the face of Zoom Guy's avatar.
- This rip was prefaced by a (now-deleted) Tweet that Wood Man Tweeted shortly after E3 2018 ended.[1]
- Wood Man Tweeted a few "honorable mentions" that the team could not include in the video:
- "The Nicest GameCube Startup", a video by @Nickireda[2]
- A picture by @Spicy236[3]