"GiIva Direct: The High Quality Bubsy Rip" is a high quality livestream hosted on April 14, 2016 shortly after the GiIvaSunner Termination.
The video begins with a live hour-long countdown of a graphic that reads: "Gilva Direct: The High Quality 'Bubsy' Rip", with the "Snow halation" background as the graphic's background.
The video is silent except from 0:56 to 6:55, when the audio of "The key we've lost - Xenoblade Chronicles X" is played.
At 11:29, a news ticker is edited underneath the countdown, and stays until the countdown ends. It contains quotes from various characters:
- "I only upload high quality video game rips." (referencing SiIvaGunner)
- The lyrics of "Snow halation"
- "Now baby I'm the ripper, I'm your daddy's worst nightmare" (referencing Chip tha Ripper)
- "This high quality stream has been brought to you by Winston(tm) Cigarettes: Fred's favorite!" (a reference to a The Flintstones advertisement for Winston Cigarettes)
- "You're a big guy." (Baneposting)
- "op." (referencing "Gangnam Style")
When the countdown ends at 59:27, the video fades into a vertical graphic that reads: "Gilva Direct Presents: The High Quality "Bubsy" Rip [now playing]" with the official "GiIvaSunner seal of quality" edited onto the background of "Snow halation". The banner is placed next to a blank white and black screen.
When the "rip" premieres at 1:00:28, it shows live gameplay of Bubsy In: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind!, though without sound, next to the banner. The game appears to be played on an emulator, and the player uses save states to save and load their progress.
At 2:31:08, the player appears to close their game client, leaving the video back on a blank screen until the video abruptly ends.
This stream was originally lost, but it was added to the Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind playlist on December 1, 2024, during Lost Media Day. It was made unlisted on December 3, 2024.
See also[]
- "GiIva Direct: The High Quality Bubsy Rip (Beta Mix)" - A rip that references this stream.
- SiIva Direct