SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Good Ending - Mario Forever" is a high quality rip of "Good Ending" from Mario Forever.


The rip begins showing a Mario Forever world map titled "GRAND 7 XD", with a picture of 7 GRAND DAD on it. The rip "One Fine Day... (World 3 Map, Human Laboratory World 3) - Mario Forever" plays in the background. We scroll across the screen to see, at the end of the level, a blank white square labeled "Epic Flintstones".

We then begin gameplay of the level, which is set to the rip "Sirens (World 5-2, Hardcore World 2 Levels) - Mario Forever". The level is modded to add text that provides a serious, sincere timeline of Mario Forever's development history. In addition, several enemies are modded into SiIvaGunner characters: Wood Man, Smol Nozomi, Robbie Rotten, and finally 7 GRAND DAD himself. In addition, the world is titled "HQR-1", an abbreviation for "High Quality Rips".

At the end of the rip, "SMW Fortress Clear (Course Clear)" has its melody changed to "Snow halation".


And now a brief history of Mario Forever...


Michal Gdaniec creates Mario Forever

It would later become a hit fangame among free software and games download websites

Michal has previously worked on other games under the name of "Buziol Games" such as Urbagility


The domain is registered.

The website would soon be home to many Mario fan games, other than just Mario Forever.


As many of the fan games were hosted in CNET's which added their own installer which comes with bundle ware and sometimes even malware...

Softendo has since then been known for having viruses in their downloads.

Before Softendo, there was already the Mario Forever toolbar, at a time where toolbars were popular, before browser extensions existed...
Using the toolbar would be harmless, and support Buziol, but in the Softendo era, it would become associated with viruses


Softendo creates "New Super Mario Forever 2012"
Which isn't that well received due to its weird graphics and is also hosted in CNET's download website.

[a screenshot of "New Super Mario Forever 2012" floats next to the text]


At this time, the website also changed.
Buziol is from Poland and has a hard time writing in English.
Because of that, most of the website updates have redundant and odd descriptions translated with Google Translate. Which didn't help the website's fame for having malware.


Softendo bundles NSMF2012 and their newest update of classic Mario Forever in a package called "Super Mario Forever 2015"
The new version of Mario Forever (6.0) came with a lot of issues as well, such as opening the Softendo website every time you jump, among other graphical glitches.


Softendo is finally noticed about the malware reports and creates an entirely new website, free of viruses. He also registers on the fan Mario Forever forum, home of the remake.

Finally, Softendo releases version 7.0 in beta state for the forum to test with many fixed glitches. The new website now also has a better less-spammy shoutbox.

It is still a mystery, however, the poorly made/stolen parodies and "Princess Peach Hot Pics" videos on Softendo's channel or the time Softendo's website would refer to Mario as "Maryo"...

But we can finally conclude...
Softendo and Buziol are the same person after all...

Thanks for playing in high quality!!


