"Grand History - La-Mulana" is a high quality rip of "Grand History" from La-Mulana.
Parts of the melody change to "Snow halation". At 0:57, part of the advertised is extended to loop much longer with it decreasing in pitch before resuming at 1:05.
At 1:10, the advertised track abruptly stop, as audio of VoiceForge Wiseguy (the voice of SiIvaGunner) says "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you expecting something more like this?". At 1:15, the advertised track resumes, but with the main melody removed, and an unsynced kazoo cover of "Meet the Flintstones", playing off viewers who expected the joke to be "Meet the Flintstones", given the title features "Grand History", played on top, with the last four notes being the "todokete" from "Snow halation".