"Green Greens (Beta Mix) - Kirby's Dream Land" is a high quality rip of the beta mix of "Green Greens" from Kirby's Dream Land.
At 0:07, the melody changes to the Star Wars theme song.
- This was uploaded on Star Wars Day 2017.
See also[]
- Other rips uploaded on May 4 (Star Wars Day).
- No Time to Waste (Meta Knight's Battleship) (Beta Mix) - Kirby: Squeak Squad
- Main Title - Super Star Wars
- Main Theme - Star Wars (NES)
- Worm Chase - Crash Twinsanity
- Main Theme - The Return of Ishtar
- The Natural Playboy - Bust a Groove
- The End ~ Staff (Part 1) - Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
- Main Theme - Star Wars: Battlefront II (Classic, 2005)