SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Hard-Boiled Heavy Boss (CD Version) - Sonic Mania" is a high quality rip of the CD version of "Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Hard-Boiled Heavy Boss" from Sonic Mania.


The voiceline, "I turned into a pickle, Morty! Big reveal! I'm Pickle Rick!" from the episode "Pickle Rick" from Rick and Morty, is pitch-shifted to the advertised track. At 0:40, the track is mashed up with "What U Need" from Sonic Rush. At 0:50, the "felt like a" sample from the Jet Set Radio Future track "Fly Like a Butterfly" appears along with a loud "PICKLE RICK!" in the left ear channel. At 0:53, the "Family Guy Main Title" trumpet can be heard.

From 0:54 onwards, the rip becomes a melody swap of "What U Need" and the "Seinfeld Theme". At 1:06, Ganon from Link: The Faces of Evil can be heard saying "Die!", followed by the "WTF BOOM!" meme and Loud Nigra. At 1:18, audio from nut's Vine "MY DICK FELL OFF" appears (in which a woman says "My dick fell off!").



  • This rip was originally titled "Hi-Spec Robo Go! (Theme of the Hard-Boiled Heavies) (CD Version) - Sonic Mania".[1]
  • This was reuploaded to SiIvaGunner2 to celebrate the third anniversary of GiIvaSunner while the main SiIvaGunner channel was terminated. It was unlisted when the main channel came back.
  • This rip is included in "MAXIMUM QUALITY ACHIEVED".


  1. Tweet by @GiIvaSunner