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"Holiday Spirit [FILE-INT-FOOLS] - Haltmann's Archives" is a high quality lore video and an internal "file" in Haltmann's Archives. It is the final reward of the "FOOLS" branch of The Susie ARG.


The video opens with a dated display with President Haltmann's logo. A large warning is displayed in red text:



This internal archive contains
sensitive and confidential information.

Unauthorized access is prohibited and
will result in immediate termination.

All views and interactions with
this file will be monitored.

Proceed at your own discretion.

[Haltmann Works Company]

Following this, the color scheme changes to yellow and the advertised file is shown, in a format similar to all Haltmann's Archives videos starting with "[FILE-02]".

The file concerns the existence of various forms of "Holiday Spirit", magical substances tied to holidays in the same way as Christmas Spirit, the main energy source used by Haltmann Works Company. Research into these substances was not initially considered due to being rendered unnecessary by the versatility of Christmas Spirit, but was carried out after the discovery of an anomalous duplicate of the file "Christmas Spirit [FILE-07]", renamed to "Christmas Spirit [FILE-07] (Beta Mix)", which described a powerful substance known as "Fool's Spirit". The file then describes the discovered forms of Holiday Spirit and their properties, each one extracted from a representative Figment:

  • Fool's Spirit, extracted from Marx from the Kirby franchise, contains immense reality-warping potential, as described in the anomalous file, but is too volatile to be considered usable. It is mentioned that there have been rumors of a duo of individuals who are freely capable of utilizing the properties of this substance, but Haltmann Works Company considers them dubious.
  • Halloween Spirit, extracted from Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's, takes the form of a red mist and causes affected individuals to experience hallucinations and exhibit increased aggression. It is deemed too dangerous for internal use within the company.
  • Valentine's Spirit, extracted from "Mr. Lonely" (referencing the song "Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton and the song appearing on almost every Valentine's Day), initially exhibited properties similar to Christmas Spirit due to the shared themes of love and compassion in their respective holidays. However, prolonged exposure to the substance causes it to behave as an aphrodisiac, as discovered in an incident involving Spark the Electric Jester, causing the company's HR department to prohibit further testing.
  • Thanksgiving Spirit, extracted from a Twerkey from Miitopia, is apparently indistinguishable from gravy and its effects are highly dependent on the nationality of the affected individual, as Thanksgiving is primarily observed in the United States. Those affected exhibited agitation and anger akin to arguments commonly observed at Thanksgiving family dinners. These effects are deemed too situational and minor for practical use.
  • Mother's Spirit, extracted from Toriel from Undertale, induces feelings of nostalgia from memories related to one's mother and has a positive psychological effect. It was suggested that a counterpart, Father's Spirit, could also exist and could help with President Haltmann's objective of bringing back his daughter Susie, but tests regarding this subject were vetoed by Haltmann.

Overall, these tests led Haltmann Works Company to conclude that their artificial Christmas Spirit, despite being less powerful than "pure-of-heart" Christmas Spirit, is still the most viable energy source at their disposal, although it is postulated that other Spirits may also achieve higher levels of power with closer proximity to their respective holidays, in the same way that Christmas Spirit is highly dependent on proximity to the Christmas season.

At 4:43, as the file ends, the video glitches out and the visuals turn dark and grey as text appears reading "RIGHT LEG OF THE FORBIDDEN ONE", followed by encoded looping text filling the screen in the following pattern:


The last seconds of the video only show the following:

An idea given power through memory
Our spirit
Our Spirit
thrives through strength

In this moment I ask you to donate yours
Thank you for your continued service


Despite being treated as new in this video, Halloween Spirit was originally seen in the video "Comeback Crisis: The Lost Rip - A SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis Side Story", and the effects described here match the video.

Valentine's Spirit, Thanksgiving Spirit, and Mother's Spirit are new to this video.


[Haltmann's Archives]
[Holiday Spirit]

The existence of [Christmas Spirit] is being studied closely at [Haltmann Works Co.]. We have been working on synthesizing and utilizing it, and it has become our primary source of energy since we learned of it as a physical substance.

However, it has been theorized that other holidays may potentially have their own forms of Spirit. After all, if the concept of Christmas Spirit can materialize in reality, why couldn't other holidays be the same?

Nonetheless, the versatility and accessibility of Christmas Spirit led us to the decision to not pursue this further.

However, we at [Haltmann Works Co.] recently received a report from a guard employed by [The Voice Inside Your Head] who had noticed an anomalous duplicate upload of [FILE-07].

Its contents are similar, but it is instead focused on a substance known as [Fool's Spirit], which is described as having "a power so immense it can warp space-time around itself".

The guard in question has since been reported directly to [The Voice] for the crime of unauthorized dilly-dallying.

The contents of the duplicate file, which has since been renamed to [FILE-07] (Beta Mix), seem to indicate the existence of alternate forms of [Holiday Spirit] and reignited interest in research.

Using experimental technology, we were able to extract a small amount of Holiday Spirit from specific [Figments] and study their properties. The existence of yet more forms of Holiday Spirit is unconfirmed, but not out of the question.

[Fool's Spirit] - Extracted from the Figment [Marx]

(See [FILE-07] (Beta Mix) for original research notes.)

Similar to the events described in the discovered report, our methods of containment were ineffective, and its effects ranged wildly from powerful reality warping to absolutely nothing. Attempts at harnessing its power in any way have proven completely fruitless, and we suspect it may not even be possible. A shame considering how powerful it has the potential to be.

There have been scattered reports of a duo of unidentified beings able to freely utilize its properties, though we at [Haltmann Works Co.] find them hard to believe.

[Halloween Spirit] - Extracted from the Figment [Freddy Fazbear]

not a liquid-like substance unlike other spirits
existence of liquid form unknown
in the form of a red mist of some sort
makes a static noise if standing in proximity to it
extraction attempt went wrong due to unexpected form, gas leak
extremely dangerous

We decided to cease testing shortly after extraction, due to staff members who came in contact with the substance reporting a variety of undesired effects. Such effects included vivid hallucinations, induced hyper-aggression, and a generalized lingering feeling of dread. It was deemed to dangerous for any internal use within [Haltmann Works Co.].

[Valentine's Spirit] - Extracted from the Figment [Mr. Lonely]

lavender colored watery substance
exudes a pleasant flowery aroma
emits the faint sound of saxophones
safe to touch
tastes salty(?)
apparent similar power level to christmas spirit

While initial research on Valentine's Spirit proved very promising with it sharing many of the same attributes of [Christmas Spirit] - perhaps due to their holidays' shared theme of love and compassion - we hit a snag after an experiment involving the Figment [Spark the Electric Jester] uncovered unwanted side effects. With prolonged contact, it appears that Valentine's Spirit acts as an aphrodisiac. This revelation cause our HR department to prohibit further testing.

[Thanksgiving Spirit] - Extracted from the Figment [Twerkey]

brown substance. Consistency similar to gravy
smells like it too
completely effectless? Not sure
seems to suck
this is just fucking gravy. Did somebody replace the sample?
who's idea was it to put money into this?
why is no one taking this seriously?

Various tests were conducted on [Humans] under Haltmann Works NDA, with differing results. For example, tests on [Bob Dylan] were effective while [Paul McCartney] yielded no results. Something to do with nationality, it seems. Those affected exhibited agitation and anger, which in extreme cases devolved into shouting matches involving topics of a political nature, as well as American football. Overall, its effects are too minor and too situational to warrant any further testing.

[Mother's Spirit] - Extracted from the Figment [Toriel]

orange substance of varying viscosity
smells like a home-cooked meal, exact descriptions vary by researcher
virtually no destructive power. Very stable
general morale booster. Seems to eliminate feelings of homesickness
kinda wanna call my mom right now

All tests conducted on Mother's Spirit were successful, however its properties did not make it viable for use in our projects.

The existence of Mother's Spirit naturally implies a counterpart - [Father's Spirit]. We briefly considered it as a potential tool to tackle [President Haltmann]'s goal of reuniting with his daughter. However, when plans to start research on Father's Spirit were brought up to Haltmann, the decision was angrily vetoed and the employee who suggested the operation was promptly fired. Must be a touchy subject.

Ultimately, this line of research provided little to no tangible results. Despite our artificial [Christmas Spirit] being more volatile, less efficient, and lower quality than pure-of-heart Christmas Spirit, it is still by far the best and most readily available energy source at our disposal.

It is worthwhile to note that Christmas Spirit, in correlation with its power, is the most temporally relevant - in other words, alternate Spirits are tied to their respective holiday seasons, and they may be weakened by our proximity to the Christmas season. Combined with the limited means of extraction available to us, we cannot know the full extent of these alternate Spirits' effects.

Could all of them be as powerful as Christmas Spirit, given the right circumstances?


See also[]

  • "FOOLS" - The album release of this video's background music.


  1. "My High Quality Rips". YouTube playlist by Cosmic199X.
  2. "joke". YouTube playlist by Madinstance.