SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Humming the Bassline (Beta Mix) - Jet Set Radio" is a high quality rip of the Beta mix of "Humming the Bassline" from Jet Set Radio. It is a "clue rip" for The SilvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special: Part III, pointing to Insane Clown Posse as suspects.


The advertised track is mashed up with "Hokus Pokus (Headhunta'z Remix)" by Insane Clown Posse. After the line "And I'll call you by your name", we hear the "My name is Jeff" line from 22 Jump Street.

At 3:54, the rip starts cutting out with VHS distortion, as images appear:

  • A rendition of Joe Swanson based on this image, with the phrases "family guy funny", "Hey Beter", and "joe swanson" written in Comic Sans, accompanied by a clip of Joe Swanson saying "Peter"
  • The Insane Clown Posse as seen in Homestuck with "HOMESTUCK IS SCARY!!!" written over it

At 3:56. the video then turns into a fake "DIY cooking tutorial" on how to make a "traditional clown pie", hosted by a mushmouthed character who refers to himself as "InsaneClownPosseFan97". The tutorial is set to an arrangement of "Hokus Pokus"' instrumental that includes samples of the DK Rap, Loud Nigra, "The Nutshack", "Gangnam Style", "Minecraft with Gadget", and the "Nerf This!" fart.

When the pie is pulled out of the oven, it turns into a clown mask in a pie tin. The mushmouted character then angrily calls to an individual named "Jared" just before the video stutters and distorts. The Joe Swanson image from earlier also reappears during this stuttering.

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see this epic clown p-- ...
Jared!? What the f-"

