"Hungry Pumkin - Pumkin World" is a high quality rip of "Hungry Pumkin" from Pumkin World.
The rip is a spoof of the Flash game Hungry Pumkin, where the player tries to feed the character Pumkin the right food at a restaurant. Here, Pumkin is now SiIva, and the foods are all replaced with memes, most of which are popular on the channel.
Hungry Pumkin does not actually have any music.
To open the dropdown, click "Expand".
[The rip starts off with the lighthouse with the label "Hungry SiIva". The player clicks on the tower to play the game. A loading screen appears with a gif of Fred Flintstone DJing and the caption "Quality Takes Time" under it.]
[The game finally begins. We first see the channel's "Videos" page, during the time of the Season 1 Finale. The image then pans up and we see a poorly drawn version of the game's background.]
[A Pumkin-ized version of SiIva glides over to the restaurant. He opens the door and exclaims "I'm very hungry". A Green Dr. Phil M&M can be seen behind his legs as the door opens. He then slides over to the table. The first options are Grand Dad's face, Angry Joe, and Smol Nozomi.]
SiIva: Give me the Nozomi.
[The player clicks on the Nozomi to put on SiIva's plate and he eats it. Donkey Kong appears, taking the Nozomi's place.]
SiIva: Give me the Grand Dad.
[The player mistakenly clicks on the Angry Joe figure.]
SiIva: No, [swipes the character away] I don't want that.
SiIva: Give me the Grand Da- [interrupted when the player finally clicks on the Grand Dad to put on SiIva's plate and he eats it]
[TJ Henry Yoshi, a reference to the 0.5x A Presses meme, appears in place of Grand Dad.]
SiIva: Give me the CIA.
[The player mistakenly clicks on TJ Henry Yoshi to put on SiIva's plate.]
SiIva: No, [swipes the character away] I don't want that.
[Loud Nigra appears, taking TJ Henry Yoshi's place.]
[The player moves their mouse to the Loud Nigra, but quickly moves it to the right option. They briefly move it to the Sens, but revert back to the right option.]
[The player clicks on Dr. Pavel to put on SiIva's plate and he then eats it. Tito Dick appears, taking Dr. Pavel's place.]
SiIva: Give me the Sens.
[The player mistakenly clicks on Loud Nigra to put on SiIva's plate.]
SiIva: No, [swipes the character away] I don't want that.
[The player clicks on Peter Griffin to put on SiIva's plate and he eats it. The game ends.]
SiIva: That was shit. I'm not paying. Fuck you.
[SiIva exits the restaurant.]
SiIva: [walking away] That was the most low-quality restaurant I've ever eaten at.
[The screen fades to black. It then switches to a screen with orange text reading "HAAAPPY SPOOKAWEEN" with 3 gifs of skeletons, including Skull Trumpet, as a remix of the song "Spooky Scary Skeletons" plays in the background. Loud Nigra screams as the rip abruptly ends.]