"Illumination's The Grinch™ Presents: One Last Leak...", initially titled "Join us for the announcement of a new album!" before being renamed, is the high quality announcement video for Dr. Pavel's How the Grinch Took Over SiIvaGunner.
This is a speech from The Grinch in the same Windows Movie Maker slideshow style as "A MAGnificent Leak!". In the speech, The Grinch announces that since he left the channel, his heart has grown three sizes, so he's decided to compile rips from his takeover, as well as from other previous Christmas events, onto an album. He then brags about the semi-accurate predictions of Banjo & Kazooie and Ken from "The Grinch Leak", the popular Super Smash Bros. Ultimate hoax leak that inspired the takeover.
Click "Show transcript" to see the transcript.
The Grinch: Hello again, dear SiIvaGunner viewers! It is I, Illumination's The Grinch! |
For my final leak, I, Illumination's The Grinch, have compiled a collection of rips from my takeover of the SiIvaGunner channel. But that's not all: I have also done my best to leak rips from other previous Christmas events!
Please do not purchase these albums. Instead, purchase a copy of my hit film, Illumination's "The Grinch", to carry on my legacy. (Oh yeah, and also all money towards albums goes to charity and free album credits and such, I suppose.) I have also leaked mirrors in case album credits run out.
MEGA: (Max is still in the process of leaking this)
MP3: Coming Soon
FLAC: Coming Soon
- Editing: Ethan64Music
- Voice of The Grinch: wolfman1405
- Special thanks: Dirty Spaceman