[The sound of a door creaking open is heard along with creepy music. Three silhouettes slowly fade into view.]
???: Welcome, traveler! You've come quite a long way this Halloween night! Allow me to introduce myself! You may call me...
[The lights flick on, revealing David S. Pumpkins, along with his two skeleton backup dancers, standing in a doorway.]
David: ...David S. Pumpkins!
["Circus (Pumpkin Spice Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's" plays, as the three perform their respective dances.]
David: Any questions?
[The door closes, using Minecraft's door closing sound effect.]
???: Hey David, who's at the door?
[The door opens, again using its respective Minecraft sound effect, revealing Wood Man. An audience cheers.]
Wood Man: Oh, nice, it's you guys! Well, come on in. The party's just getting started. Welcome to...
[With a flash of lighting, the scene changes to a logo for the "SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special >:] lol" as an organ flourish plays. The music quickly cuts off as the logo is crossed out with a red "X". With a whip crack from David S. Pumpkins' theme, an image of Wood Man and David S. Pumpkins standing back-to-back, with the caption "Wood Man's Halloween House Party! With special guest star David S. Pumpkins" appears. "Wood Man Stage (Halloween Mix) - Mega Man 2" begins playing as the image fades to a scene of Ajit Pai, Hamood Habibi, Inspector Gadget, Smol Nozomi, Unregistered HyperCam 2, HOBaRT, Big Chungus, Soulja Boy, sphelonious donk, GIR-elle, Gabe Newell, AMUNO, Spike, and ZUN attending the party.]
Wood Man: Pretty nice, huh? After last Halloween got, uh... out of hand, I decided to keep it simple this year and host a Halloween party at Dr. Wily's place while he's out of town for the week. Of course, the last time I had a get-together this big, someone ended up getting diagnosed with murder. So I figured that this time around, I could help for the best party-planner I know! But it turns out she was hosting her own Nightmare Night party over in Ponyville, wherever that is, so I phoned up David here instead.
[Wood Man gestures to David near a portrait of Dr. Wily.]
David: I'm David Pumpkins!
Wood Man: He helped pull out all the stops for this party without any need for that pesky continuity. Here, let me show you around.
[Haruka Amami and Whitty are seen singing "GO MY WAY!!" at a karaoke machine, with Whitty's vocals arranged to "GO MY WAY!!"]
Wood Man: Check it out! We got a karaoke machine...
[Bob Dylan and Pac-Man are seen sitting in a hot tub, with a Goomba, The Voice Inside Your Head, Hard Rock Joe, and MissingNo. standing in the background.]
Wood Man: ...A hot tub...
Pac-Man: Wanna freebase?
Bob Dylan: Ooh, I'm Bob Dylan, I smoke the weed. Gimmie a smoke, man.
[DJ Professor K is seen DJing, with Jerma, Mr Rental, AMUNO, and Scott the Woz dancing in front of him. "Everybody Jump Around - Jet Set Radio" plays.]
Wood Man: ...A dance floor with a live DJ...
DJ Professor K: Let me hear you make some noise, Wily Castle, ha ha! JET! SET! RADIOOOOOOOOO!
[Angry Joe is seen setting up a Wii with Mario Party 7 displayed on the TV behind him. "The Goblin Dance" goblins lurk behind him.]
Wood Man: ...And a 70-inch TV with Jackbox and Mario Party hooked up.
[Takane Shijou looks to her left with a quizzical expression.]
Takane: I've never played Mario Party before... is it any good?
[The camera pans out to reveal Angry Joe sitting beside her.]
Angry Joe: Sure, I guess. As long as you're not up against Donkey Kong!
[Donkey Kong suddenly appears next to the two. Takane looks amused while Joe appears furious.]
Donkey Kong: (using sentence-mixed clips from "DK Rap") Hey, heard ya got some games going here!
Angry Joe: FU-
[Wood Man and David S. Pumpkins watch as Noelle, Spamton, MissingNo., Ajit Pai, HOBaRT, Big Chungus, and Smol Nozomi enjoy the party.]
Wood Man: Ah, yes. This is the nicest Halloween party ever. And all thanks to David S. Pumpkins!
[David poses next to his skeleton backup dancers.]
David: Any questions?
[Wood Man looks at David with a confused expression.]
Wood Man: Well... yes, with all due respect, David, I... still don't quite get what exactly your whole, uh... getup? Is?
David: I'm David Pumpkins, man!
Wood Man: And David Pumpkins is...?
David: His own thing!
Wood Man: And the skeletons are...?
[The music pauses.]
Skeletons: Part of it!
[The camera cuts to Wood Man, then to David. The music resumes as Wood Man walks away from David, shrugging.]
Wood Man: You know what? I'm not even gonna question it anymore. David is not a character but he throws the best parties.
[Takane, sitting next to Angry Joe and Donkey Kong, waves to Wood Man.]
Takane: Oh hey, Wood Man! Wanna play Mario Party with us?
[Wood Man thumbs towards SiIvaGunner's computer, looking disappointed.]
Wood Man: Aw, I'd love to, gang. But I still gotta run the channel, so I'll have to pass this time.
[Wood Man puts a hand to his chin.]
Wood Man: Unless...
[Wood Man turns to David.]
Wood Man: Cover for me, Dave?
[David flashes a thumbs-up.]
Wood Man: Nice >:]
[Wood Man sits down in a nearby chair as Takane passes him a Wii Remote.]
Wood Man: Count me in, guys!
Takane: So which board are we picking?
Wood Man: Would it be too cliché for me to suggest Woody Woods?
[The camera pans from Wood Man and Takane's group to David and his skeleton backup dancers. "Circus (Pumpkin Spice Mix) - Five Nights at Freddy's" plays again.]
David: How's it hanging, SiIvaGunner fans? I'm David S. Pumpkins! And I'm gonna scare the HELL out of YOU!