SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Lexcorp - Superman 64" is a high quality rip of "Lexcorp" from Superman 64.


No elements of the advertised track or game are present in this rip.

Instead, the rip is a parody of the video "SPECIAL: Please Let the Ads Play" by Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall, a video that encouraged viewers of Atop the Fourth Wall to stop blocking advertisements on YouTube videos. In this parody, ShonicTH reads out a similar script from the original video, although throughout lines are changed to make Linkara more desperate more money and refusal to do actual work. As well as that, every sentence is a single cut, mimicking the editing style that is in the original video.


Italics indicate differences from the original video. Text indicates "text" was added, [text] means "text" was omitted from the original, and text [other text] means "other text" was replaced by "text".

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Hi guys, I just want to talk to you guys about advertisements for a second. I've put this video up on YouTube instead of Blip so that the maximum amount of people can see it this video without having to see an advertisement first. Lately many people have been using ad blockers that prevent them from seeing [the] advertisements on [original: "in"] Blip videos, including my own. Furthermore those of you who use ad blockers may have seen this message pop up, making you wait 90 seconds for our content to begin. And, furthermore, several people are upset by [about] this. I wonder why. As such, let's talk [for a second] about why the ads are there and why I need you guys give me all of your money please [to see the ads].

Here's the thing. Atop the Fourth Wall, History of Power Rangers, [all the videos I produce...] This is my day job. I refuse to get a real job that would sustain me. [original: I have no other job except for producing the videos. This is how I pay my bills]. This is not a hobby for me. It would take too much time to work a nine-to-five and produce these videos [for me to produce the videos and work a nine-to-five]. As such, give me your money. [I just couldn't do it]. Now that's not the same case for all producers in [on] Channel Awesome, but it is the case for several of them [us]. And the companies that sell advertising can tell when ad blocking is used [people use ad blockers]. As such it's counted as lost money when the advertisements aren't viewed and therefore I don't get paid because I should be getting paid for everything [when it happens it's counted as the ad not being seen and thus money is lost]. As such it is counted as the ad not being viewed, and money is... lost somehow?

I'm not going to ask you to [completely] remove the ad blocker. I get why it's there [blockers. I get why people use them]. However, I'm going to ask you to whitelist me, which is basically defeating the purpose of the adblock [most ad blockers have the option to whitelist the site]. If you don't know what whitelisting is -- and I know that people don't because people ask me on Twitter all the time and somehow that makes me need to comment on this? Why am I being an asshole about this? [there are people who don't; many have asked me on Twitter about it] -- That means you let specific sites have ads on them while still blocking everything else thus giving only me cause I am important. I also know some people have responses to that which I say that you are wrong cause I am more important than you, and here's why.

Some people say they've tried to disable the ads for Blip, but the ads somehow freeze the video or cause everything to crash. That's fine. I understand that. You are the exception. However, I would encourage you to try to hunt down the problem, update your drivers cause that will totally help. And it's your problem cause you need to give me money., [and etcetera because that really shouldn't be happening].

I know that the ads can be repetitive. Part of the problem is that a lot of companies don't trust online advertising. Partially because of adblock[s]. Thus less advertising is sold and there's less variety. However, there are ways around this [that]. One: you can mute the ad. That way the advertisment is still counted as viewed. And you can mute it for 30 seconds, check your email check another tab, or whatever. Well maybe that's why advertisements don't trust advertising... eh whatever. Two: the great thing about the progress bar [on streaming video] is that you can skip [ahead] to the [mid-roll] ad whenever you want. Just do that after the first ad and then skipped straight to the end and that way you can view twice the ads and give the money without seeing the video. [-- just play it right away -- then go back to the very beginning and you can watch the rest of the video ad-free.] Now some people have said that they have disabled Adblock or whitelisted a site, but they still don't see any ads. Well, there are a few reasons for that. Advertising is region specific. That means that advertising is usually only played in the United States or the UK only. Do I think that there are untapped markets elsewhere? Oh hell, yes. I don't see why there's not advertising elsewhere because I deserve more money from people in Afghanistan.

However, I'm not in charge of that and for any other reason why the ad is still not showing up for you, well, you did your best, but I'm sorry, it really was not enough. Please give me your money. [what you could to try to support me and for that I appreciate it nonetheless.] Some people have told me that they do not wish to support a product that they don't feel is worth the time sitting through the advertisement for. In other words, they didn't like the video. And for that, well... okay. That's your opinion I guess. [if the video is not any good.] But [that's] basically your opinion is wrong. [saying that you have no respect for me or my efforts to entertain you.] My content is better than you. You sitting through that 30 second ad and you enjoy it. It's a trade off. In order to watch this video, you watch the ad. The 30 seconds of your time was worthless. you lost for the ad is really not that much in the grand scheme of things. You could've been doing anything else but no that really much according to me. [Especially when you compare it to the amount of advertisements on Hulu, TV, or -- hell -- even trailers for movies.] You see Hulu TV, they have really long ads, so therefore my ads should be long as well because you should give me money. 30 seconds. 30 seconds why- I am sorry but why it is 30 seconds? And its two of them. I'm sorry I- Ok back into character.

Still others have said that the current advertising model is unsustainable of course it is 30 second ads for your video. Well... okay, but I have no control over that either. This is how the system works now. If there's a better system out there, great, but currently it doesn't exist for my videos. And until such a time that it changes, this is the current [how the] system [works now] and it is a tad unfair to be punishing me [for it seems a tad unfair]. Some have also said that they wish to support us [in the ads] but the ads are [they're] not showing up on the Xbox app, the iPad [app], iPhones, and other mobile devices. Well you tried I guess, [and I appreciate that anyway]. If you're having problems viewing [seeing] ads [on mobile devices] I highly encourage you to contact Blip because this is your problem and not my cause this is your reasonability I guess. [and let them know there are supposed to be advertisements on those.] There are supposed to be advertisements on those- I'm so- I cannot keep a straight face during this. Oh my gosh, there's supposed to be advertisements and thus it's your- Those pesky advertisements are not showing up. And failing all [of that] if you still [wish to use AdBlock or are just] unable to see the advertisements, there are other ways of supporting me [the show]. I will be releasing an [Atop the Fourth Wall] DVD for you to purchase [with brand new material the next month or so]. [When that's available, please purchase it. Purchase my t-shirts available here.] And I'll be releasing T-shirts for you to purchase, please give me money. Give me all your money.

And if neither of those options seem [are] appealing [to you], you can just PayPal me money for me [I will be setting up a PayPal donation button]. I'm sorry. I have resisted this action in the past hoping that [because I feel] the show should support itself but now you can just give me money I guess, just go to the PayPal, just donate me money for free [through the advertising revenue and hopefully in the years to come it will continue to do so]. [However enough] People also have asked to directly if they can just me [donate] money [to me] which, I guess, if you just want to give away money, sure [- that- fine, I'm giving in].

And I guess that's it for me. Thank you very much for your time. Please keep watching and I hope to keep entertaining you for however long this trainwreck lasts.


  • This rip was uploaded during April Fools' Day 2018 as a nod to the dubious practices of Channel Awesome, which produces Atop the Fourth Wall.
  • Lewis Lovhaug, the real life name and creator of Atop the Fourth Wall, is credited as the composer of the rip.