"Main Menu / Flag Pole Position (Alternate Mix) - Stuart Little: The Journey Home" is a high quality rip of the alternate mix of "Main Menu / Flag Pole Position" from Stuart Little: The Journey Home.
Elements of "Special World 8" from Super Mario 3D Land are mashed up with some of the instruments of the advertised track. Some elements of "Special World 8" are in A-flat major instead of D-flat major, but the melody from "Special World 8" has been changed to that of the advertised track.
From 0:30 to 0:51, the melody changes to "Meet the Flintstones". At 0:41, the melody changes to "Snow halation".
At 1:01, the track loops. At 2:03, a different section of the advertised track plays and is mashed up with elements of "Special World 8".