"Main Title - Goldeneye 007" is a high quality rip of "Main Title" from GoldenEye 007.
At 0:03, the thumbnail switches to the "bond burger" image, which is notorious for the incomprehensibility of its joke. At 0:10, the music cuts off with the sound of a tape rewinding.
The rest of the rip is dedicated to "Bobby Wace" (New Guy) attempting to explain the "bond burger" image. He initially goes off on an unrelated tangent on the concepts of irony and JoJokes. He then goes back to the "bond burger" image, and tries to explain what it means. In between each increasingly unlikely explanation, we see Discord conversations with Bobby and his skeptical friends on the subject.
The explanations for the joke are:
- The James Bond generation used in said image was Pierce Brosnan, the 6th Bond actor (Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan). The cheeseburger resembles the double cheeseburger from McDonald's, the 9th item on their menu. Thus, "Last night I 69ed your sister."
- James Bond is a spy, and spies are silent. The cheeseburger resembles the quarter pounder from Burger King. Thus, "Last night I silently pounded your sister."
- James Bond gambles, gambling involves playing cards, playing cards have four suits, one suit is known as the "club", clubs are used in golf, another activity James Bond enjoys doing, and James Bond wears suits. Bobby is cut off before he is able to explain this any further.
Bobby then concludes that he does not get the joke, and that is itself the joke.
Throughout much of the rip, a melody-swap of the "Pewter City" from Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver with "Elevatorstuck" from Homestuck and "Meet the Flintstones" plays in the background. Also present as background music are "Elevator Bossa Nova" by Bensound and "Let's Begin" from MOTHER 3.
Click "Show transcript" to see the transcript.
[The rip opens with the advertised track and thumbnail image, but at 0:03 the image switches to the "bond burger" image. At 0:11, the music cuts off with the sound of a tape rewinding, then switches to "Elevator Bossa Nova" by Bensound. Bobby Wace then comes in, and the image fades to black.] Bobby Wace: Now, at this point in the video, you're probably wondering, "SiIvaGunner, whart is the joke?" [Caption: "SiIvaGunner, what is the joke?"] And let me tell you, you aren't the only one with that question. [Various YouTube comments appear: "where is the kind man who explains the funny", "Am I the only one who doesn't get it?", "Help me i dont understand the funny", "What's the joke?" "it sounds familiar but I don't know what it is", and finally "this f****t ass channel should have ended in 2016", with the slur censored by SiIvaGunner's head.] Bobby Wace: So now that we've heard some JoJokes, how do we know if the original high-quality rip [insert the "bond burger" image] is one [Caption: "Deciphering the Joke". A melodyswap of the Saffron City/Pewter City/Viridian City theme from Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver with "Elevatorstuck" from Homestuck and "Meet the Flintstones" plays in the background.] Justin J. Chillin: I don't think that's the joke, Bobby. Bobby Wace: What!? Why? Whaddayou m-- That's, like, absolutely what the joke is. Justin J. Chillin: Well, well it-- it just seems kinda far-fetched for that image, it's-- it's James Bond and a hamburger, how does-- how do you get 6-- I don't get how... Bobby Wace: It's the-- 6 and the 9, wha-- Alright, whatever. Okay. It-- You know-- You know what? I think I-- I think I got it now. [Cut back to the Discord server, this time with three more users also visible.] Justin J. Chillin: Ffff-- uuuggghhh. No, no. Bobby Wace: Is there-- is there a problem? Justin J. Chillin: Ye-- Yes, there is! Bobby Wace: What? Like, tha-- What? Be I definitely got it that time, like that is what the joke is. Luke Warm: Quarter pounder is a McDonald's thing, it's not a Burger King thing. Bobby Wace: Uhh, okay. Burg-- it's still a burger, and it's a quarter of a pound, and it-- so it's-- like a-- pounded... Justin J. Chillin: Yeah, you said that picture was from-- was from the McDonald's menu and not the Burger King menu. Bobby Wace: But it-- oh-- I-- eh-- okay, what is a quarter of a pound? How much is in a pound? A pound. How much is a quarter? Quarter of a pound, pounded your sister... silently... Luke Warm: I think-- I think those are two different currencies, man. Bobby Wace: It makes sense! Swagmaster128: But how much does it cost? Bobby Wace: One.. silent pounding. Dude, it's not that hard to get, it's a jo-- it's-- that's the-- what the joke is. Cause it's a-- Swagmaster128: Am I supposed to pay with a silent pounding at the cashier? Bobby Wace: It's a quarter pounder... Justin J. Chillin: Okay, okay, I don't-- I don't care how much-- Bobby Wace: James Bond is quiet! Justin J. Chillin: I don't care how much the-- the burger costs. Just, silently pounded, just, doesn't-- doesn't fit it. Bobby Wace: It-- okay. I mean, it does, but I guess-- Justin J. Chillin: N-N-No! No, it doesn't! Bobby Wace: Okay, whatever! I guess I can try to put it a different way, if that would help. Justin J. Chillin: Stop. Bobby Wace: And then also, James Bond always wears suits... Justin J. Chillin: Stop. Bob, stop! Stop! Stop! Bobby Wace: What!? [Cut back to the Discord server, this time with four more users visible.] Justin J. Chillin: Bobby, stop! Bobby Wace: What!? What!? Luke Warm: It's wrong. Bobby Wace: What's wrong? Luke Warm: Your joke. Your explanation of the joke, it's wrong. Bobby Wace: How is it wrong? I didn't even finish what I was saying! Luke Warm: Cause it's not right. Justin J. Chillin: How do you get this from James Bond and a hamburger? Bobbert: It doesn't make sense. Bobby Wace: Whaddayou mean it doesn't make sense? RealDaBaby: I feel like you guys aren't being really fair to him, I was kinda following along, and like kinda getting into it. Bobby Wace: Yeah, thank you! Luke Warm: You joined after the second time. Justin J. Chillin: I don't think you know Bobby well enough. Bobby Wace: I was explaining the joke. It was being explained. Luke Warm: Explained poorly. Justin J. Chillin: Yeah, not well. Bobbert: I tried to get into it too, but this... I'm really not getting it. It doesn't make sense. Him Bortons: Yeah, you kinda failed at thought. Bobby Wace: Wha--- whaddayou-- whaddayou want me to say!? It's like-- it's like-- it's like if you watch Twilight, you don't know what happens to Bella and Edward until the end, so how you gonna be-- Swagmaster128: Lucky that I never watched Twilight. Him Bortons: Yeah, but I don't wanna know what happens! Bobby Wace: Well, deh-- but that's-- that's-- then why'd you even-- Luke Warm: I didn't, that's the thing. Just like you didn't get the joke! Bobby Wace: I'm explaining it to you, right now! That's what's happening here in the present! You're livin' in the past! Justin J. Chillin: Bobby, this gets worse every time we try. Bobby Wace: I-- Wha-- How!? I'm e-- Like it's-- I'm ex-- I have the joke, I know what it is, I'm explaining it to you. Justin J. Chillin: Like the first one kinda made sense, 69 your sister, but like... The-- These-- These are just so, so, so far-fetched, so ridiculous, I, I can't even believe it. RealDaBaby: Wi-- With a-- With a joke this complex, Bond burger, that takes-- it takes-- there's a certain amount of subtext that-- Justin J. Chillin: It's not-- It's not supposed to be that complex, though. RealDaBaby: There's a certain amount of subtext there that you have to if you're... Bobby Wace: There's a lot of-- There's a lot of complex stuff to this, it's not-- This is like the Rubik's cube of humor, it's not like you're not-- Swagmaster128: You're not solving, though. Bobby Wace: It's not your average knock-knock joke, you know, it's not like... you know... Undertale... Justin J. Chillin: I-It's so... Look... Bobby... It's... Bobby Wace: What? Justin J. Chillin: It's-- It's clear from this, it's so clear that you just-- Bobby Wace: Whaddayou-- Justin J. Chillin: You just don't-- You don't-- You don't understand it at all. Bobby Wace: I understand it just fine, sir. Swagmaster128: Nah man, just go cry about it in the comment section or something. Luke Warm: I don't-- I don't think I want to understand it. Swagmaster128: I'm out. Bobby Wace: Whaddyou mean? Whaddyou mean, you're out!? [One by one, the people in the server start leaving.] Justin J. Chillin: See ya. Bobby Wace: What are-- Guys! Bobbert: I'm out, too. Bobby Wace: Guys. What are-- RealDaBaby, you're gonna-- I mean, you-- you got me. RealDaBaby: Uh, you know, it's actually gettin' kinda lonely in here, so... Bobby Wace: What are ya-- Dude! [RealDaBaby leaves, leaving Bobby as the only one still in the server.] Bobby Wace: The-- [exasperated sigh] [Fade into outer space, as "Let's Begin" from MOTHER 3 plays.] Bobby Wace:
Then I thought to myself, could it be? Do I not actually know the joke? Am I, too, a victim of SiIvaGunner's cruelty? The answer... yes. Yes I am. My name is Bobby Wace, and that's the joke. |
This rip originally premiered as "A New High Quality Rip!" before being changed to the current title. It premiered between Cartoon Network Day & Adult Swim Night and The SilvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special: Part CarnIVal, but doesn't seem to be part of either event. After premiering, the channel's profile picture and banner changed into a black-crimson gradient, similar to the one seen in "ENTRANCE".