SiIvaGunner Wiki

Not to be confused with Category:Mario Kart 8.

"Mario kart 8" was a stream hosted by SiIvaGunner. It ran on January 4, 2018 and contained several rippers playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


The team played two rounds of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Round 1[]

Time Course and ranking Assorted happenings
0:40 Character selection
2:35 GBA Cheese Land
  1. 123zc
  2. Nape Mango
  3. ShonicTH
  4. Okiwont
6:09 Mario Kart Stadium
  1. Okiwont
  2. ShonicTH
  3. Nape Mango
  4. 123zc
  • "Ridley is too big."
  • Fuck the chat.
  • Fuck the chat (literally).
9:09 Sweet Sweet Canyon
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Okiwont
  3. 123zc
  4. Nape Mango
  • "My favorite powerpoint presentation is the CCC."
  • A joke about "Gangnam Style 2".
12:12 N64 Yoshi Valley
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Nape Mango
  3. 123zc
  4. Okiwont
  • 123zc sucks because he only plays Mario Kart Wii.
  • ShonicTH loves Love Live! and anime, but it was actually ironic.
  • "Hot take, guys: Mario sucks!"
  • Brief discussion about SiIvaGunner being "awake" (due to the start of Season 3).
  • Reference to the "what plants crave" joke from the movie Idiocracy.
SNES Donut Plains 3
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Okiwont
  3. 123zc
  4. Nape Mango
  • "What's the joke?"
  • They goad the chat into spamming "hi", then the Wikipedia article for the Civil War, and then something about Markiplier (but the audio cut out while they were saying it).
18:13 N64 Rainbow Road
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Okiwont
  3. Nape Mango
  4. 123zc
20:35 Ice Ice Outpost
  1. Nape Mango
  2. 123zc
  3. ShonicTH
  4. Okiwont
  • "Shout out to Large Nozomi."
  • ShonicTH compares Nozomi to Gabe Newell since they're both fat.
  • "Shout out to Simpleflips."
  • "Everybody knows Snoop Dogg is a hard republican, that's why he loves weed so much."
  • They tell the chat to spam "I love Kirby", and then "I hate Kirby".
23:33 Mute City
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Nape Mango
  3. 123zc
  4. Okiwont
27:00 Final ranking
  1. ShonicTH
  2. Nape Mango
  3. 123zc
  4. Okiwont
  • They decide to add a text overlay to show who's playing.

Round 2[]

Time Course and ranking Assorted happenings
28:57 Character selection
  • They don't know how to use OBS properly.
  • "SiivaGiiva is OneyPlays confirmed."
  • ShonicTH could play Xenoblade Chronicles on stream, but it's single-player.
  • Jokes about Triple-Q being banned.
  • Discussion about The Emoji Movie.
  • "Halt, man."
32:30 Toad Harbor
  1. Nape
  2. Shonic
  3. 123zc
  4. Mike
  • Discussion on the disappearance of Haltmann (due to the start of Season 3).
  • They want to stream an Undertale speedrun.
  • They ban someone who said "daily reminder that Toon Link is a shota" (unclear if it was referring to toonlink), except they don't actually ban them.
  • "Fuck the fans." "Lovingly." "The 18+ ones." "All 5 of them."
  • Funny Danganronpa reference.
35:37 Water Park
  1. Shonic
  2. Nape
  3. 123zc
  4. Mike
  • "Lotsa spaghetti."
  • "Alright, chat, I got a special message for you: hear if gay."
  • Mention of Far Cry 3.
  • "Who likes video games?"
  • "The guy who ate a whole Pringles can is playing Metal Mario!"
37:56 Thwomp Ruins
  1. Shonic
  2. Nape
  3. 123zc
  4. Mike
  • Jokes about what they want in the next Nintendo Direct.
  • "Would you eat an entire Nintendo Switch for 100$?"
  • "Is this a high quality rip?" "Yeah."
  • "Raise your hand in the chat, like don't actually type anything, just literally raise your hand."
  • They accidentally caused the chat to argue about time zones.
40:59 Twisted Mansion
  1. Shonic
  2. Nape
  3. 123zc
  4. Mike
44:17 GCN Baby Park
  1. Shonic
  2. 123zc
  3. Nape
  4. Mike
46:12 Super Bell Subway
  1. Nape
  2. Shonic
  3. Omni
  4. Mike
  • Before the race starts, Omknee takes over as Metal Mario (replacing 123zc).
  • They sing "Temporary Secretary".
  • Reference to The Room (but they fumble over how to pronounce Tommy Wiseau's name).
  • Someone impersonates Markiplier.
  • Mark from The Room and/or Markiplier has better content than SiIvaGunner.
  • They reference "Minecraft with Gadget".
  • Someone in chat has a crush on Nape Mango.
49:03 N64 Royal Raceway
  1. Shonic
  2. Mike
  3. Omni
  4. Nape
  • Jokes about how to skip lines at MAGFest.
  • deogenerate and turdl3 appear in chat (even though turdl3's at MAGFest).
  • Mike gets 2nd place without paying attention.
  • NutellaFrenchToast, MtH, and MaidRips appear in chat.
  • They ask MtH if she's "heard the PPAP song".
51:51 N64 Yoshi's Valley
  1. Nape
  2. Shonic
  3. Omni
  4. Mike
54:23 Final ranking
  1. Shonic
  2. Nape
  3. 123zc/Omni
  4. Mike
  • The other SiIvaGunner members enter the room and want to go to sleep so they end the stream.
  • "Do you like Jesus?"
  • "Alright, I'm gonna say poop one more time. POOP—" [stream ends]


  • The "[Archived by: MPH]" was added when the team's MAGFest streams were added to the Haltmann's Archives playlist with the upload of "Sample [FILE-08] - Haltmann's Archives".
  • With all videos containing "Mario" in the title (including this one) being private during the April Fools' Day 2021 event and republicized at its conclusion, a notification was sent to subscribers about this video's "upload", but it was quickly unlisted again afterwards.