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SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Menu - Cooking Mama" is a high quality rip of "Menu" from Cooking Mama.


At 0:03, the audio becomes a classic 2000s-style "spadinner" YouTube Poop playing over the advertised track.


Click "Expand" to see the transcript.

King: I wonder what's for dinner.
Volvic Volcano: Wild mineral water!
Link: I'm so hungry, I could eat a
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Arthur: I told you, not to...
Link: Eat a
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Mario: No. Here's the problem, too many...
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Mario: Nice of the princess to invite us over for a
King: Dinner
Mario: 'ay Luigi?
Luigi: That's mama Luigi to you Mario!

I hope she made lots of...
Billy Mays: Those restaurant mini burgers everyone loves. Hi, Billy Mays here for
King: Dinner
Billy Mays: The fast and easy way to press and cook delicious
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Luigi: Spaghetti!
King: I wonder what's for dinner.
Billy Mays: Delicious sliders!
Mario: No.
King: I wonder what's for dinner.
Billy Mays: Delicious
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Mario: No.
Billy Mays: Hi, Billy Mays here for the
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Billy Mays: Grater. Grate
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Billy Mays: With ease. There is no wrong way to use it. Go back and forth, side to side, round and round. All the
Dr. Robotnik: PINGAS!
Billy Mays: Cheese stays in the plate. And all the natural juices stay right in the plate.

(the audio repeats at 0:59)
