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SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Mr. Monokuma's Lesson - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc" is a high quality rip of "Mr. Monokuma's Lesson" from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.


This is mainly an arrangement of the advertised track using the stems from "We Are Number One". "Giant Steps" is played at the beginning before the advertised track's melody kicks in.

At 0:13, we hear a clip from the Family Guy episode "Road to Rupert", where Joe says, "Hey Meg, don't be such a hothead." This transitions into the vocals from "Hot Head" by Death Grips being mashed up with the music, with the "BLAHBLAHBLAH"s partially pitch-shifted to sound like the vocals of the advertised track. At 0:46, the "BLAHBLAHBLAH"s gradually descend to an extremely low pitch. At 1:47, they start rapidly speeding up until the track abruptly ends.

