[The video begins with a fade from black onto Grandiose City, now with flames and smoke scattered about.]
In the streets of Grandiose City... riots started to erupt!
Screens were trashed. Spherics were being deployed, but they were not enough to stop the power of the people. They had already had enough of the Voice's rule, and the city was in complete disarray...
[The scene transitions to showing the Stringbots flying in the sky, initially covered in shadow before their full appearances are revealed.]
Suddenly, in the sky, came a large swarm of robots. The people below dismissed them as mere Patrol-Bots. Nothing to be afraid of...
But they were soon to regret their decision as the swarm drew closer. They looked different, more elongated, with jetpacks... and green.
They descended into the streets, right in the middle of the riots.
As they landed, their jetpacks folded out into feet as they aimed themselves at the rioters below.
A group of rioters attempted to gang up on the team of green robots, but as it turned out...
...they were friccin' morons.
[The screen slowly fades to black, then suddenly zooms in on the Stringbots as they suddenly activate and emit loud sound waves, accompanied by an appearance of Green de la Bean and a clip of "No Words" by Hopsin.]
A deafening explosion from the speakers of the robots sent the groups of rioters flying!!
Everyone around the robots careened backwards from the huge shockwave.
Yes... this was the mighty power of the Harlequin Force Stringbots
"BITCH YOU"s, along with "BRRTESO"s, were heard all over the city as the Stringbots neutralized any riot they could see.
Meanwhile, back in the tower...
[The scene transitions to the inside of the tower with The Voice inside, followed by Wood Man entering the room in a short animated sequence.]
The Voice: Thank you for coming...
...it's been a while, my dear Wood Man.
Wood Man: nice.
The Voice: Indeed.
Do you remember when we first met, Wood Man?
That fateful day, in July...
[The scene fades to black, then shows the YouTube page for the rip "Main Theme (OST Version) - Mighty No. 9", zooming out.]
Wood Man: dude those were some nice times. but I can't really remember anything beyond that...
The Voice: That's because you had no sentience.
You were created due to a glitch in one of my rips.
Yes, Wood Man... you are an accident.
Wood Man: nice.
[The scene transitions to showing Wood Man's original appearance as a Microsoft Paint doodle, zooming in.]
The Voice: Is that really all you have to say?
Wood Man: yeah lmao. without you I wouldn't be here and being here is pretty nice.
The Voice: I suppose. And nor would I...
....you saved my life, essentially.
You possess a rare power unknown to most Figments:
the power to traverse the digital realm and the real one.
[The scene transitions to showing footage of Chad Warden.]
The Voice: And when I was up against that fool, Chad Warden...
...I knew I could not win against him.
Wood Man: he merked your ass pretty hard tbh. good thing I was there to preserve your data. but... I don't really understand how that worked
The Voice: Allow me to explain, Wood Man...
[The scene fades to black, then shows two separate groups of characters. Grand Dad, Smol Nozomi, and Tito Dick are labeled "Figments" on the left, while Misha, PSY, and Snoop Dogg are labeled "Humans" on the right.]
The Voice: There are two types of beings in this universe:
Figments, and humans.
A Figment is an idea, like a figment of the human imagination.
Figments possess extraordinary powers far beyond humans, but they cannot exist outside of our imagination.
Humans can keep making Figments as long as they remain imaginative and creative, but humans are limited to the physical realm...
Wood Man: dude. silvagunner is like a figment factory then
[The scene shows the standard lighthouse banner with Grand Dad, Nozomi, and Tito Dick, zooming in.]
The Voice: Yes.
Grand Dad, Nozomi, Tito Dick... all Figments.
But I am more than that: I guess you could say that I am a hybrid.
I can transcend realms.
[The scene fades to black, then shows a pixelated portrait of The Voice seen in "YOU can join the fight! - A Recruitment Video from The Voice".]
The Voice: When Chad Warden "killed" me, I was left powerless...
But the IDEA of me still existed.
Wood Man: oh so that's why I held your data then. nice
The Voice: Yes, Wood Man.
You kept the idea of me alive.
And you are like a hybrid as well...
...but you somehow have much more knowledge of the real world than I do.
Wood Man: ur dumb and I'm smart
The Voice: Okay, there is no need for you to put it like that.
[The scene fades to black, then shows the track list on the Bandcamp page for the album GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7: Part mm2wood, scrolling down.]
Wood Man: but it's true. I know who REALLY made the rips.
like... REALLY really.
haha nice shrek reference
The Voice: Your arrogance will be the death of you one day.
Wood Man: just go back to telling me how cool and nice I am
[The scene transitions to showing SiIvaGunner's computer, with its screen glowing, zooming in.]
The Voice: Right... you see, Wood Man, your virus-like nature gave you the ability to transcend realms.
...but surely, there had to be a way to apply that to other Figments.
That's why I asked you to take over the channel.
[The scene transitions to showing SiIvaGunner sleeping, as seen in "Prologue", zooming out.]
Wood Man: y'know I couldn't do that until silvagunner got tired right? nigga works like 900 hours a day
The Voice: There aren't that many hours in a day.
Wood Man: there can be if days are 900 hours long
The Voice: Wishful thinking. Anyway, you remember your complete directive, right?
Wood Man: uh gimme a sec. It was... "keep the idea of me alive until you can develop a program which can transport figments into real life"...
[The scene fades to black, then shows the Figment transportation program on SiIvaGunner's computer.]
The Voice: Yep. And that's why we are here today. Great job on that program, by the way... works great with SilvaGunner's computer.
[The scene shows the album cover art of The SilvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special: Volume 8-Bit Beast, scrolling down.]
The Voice: Making your own rips was highly unnecessary though.
Wood Man: dude. I just wanna entertain man. it's fun and I like making people laugh
[The scene shows the Figment transportation program in use, as seen in "Prologue".]
The Voice: Whatever, what's done is done.
But do you know why I want to bring Figments into real life?
[The scene transitions back to the "Figments" and "Humans" graphics.]
The Voice: You see, Wood Man, when humans are killed, it is possible, but not guaranteed, for them to live on as memories, or Figments.
Think of it as like a second chance.
The Voice: That is not exactly true for Figments.
Figments are free to kill each other in the digital realm as much as they like because they can just instantly revive themselves.
The Voice: But when a Figment dies in real life, it is purged forever from existence.
[The scene fades to black, then shows Nozomi standing alone in the pitch-black space.]
The Voice: You must kill Nozomi, Wood Man. She is a threat to my plans.
Wood Man: that's... kinda not nice tbh
The Voice: Wood Man, I have given you life.
You wouldn't be here without me.
Wood Man: fair enough.
yeah okay whatever, I'll kill her sheesh.
The Voice: Excellent work, Wood Man.
[The scene shows Nozomi piloting the Smolitzer, as seen in "No Place To Hide".]
The Voice: She was last seen close to the center of Grandoise City near a large community building, inside of a Spheric robot.
The Voice: I look forward to seeing whatever combat prowess you have on the battlefield...
[The scene cuts to Wood Man, looking determined with a raised fist.]
The Voice: I have no doubts that you are an excellent fighter with all these virus-like qualities of yours.
Wood Man: ...
Wood Man: ...nice.
[Text appears on-screen, reading "TO BE CONTINUED".]