SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Opening - Undertale 2" is a high quality rip of "Opening" from Undertale 2.


Undertale 2 is a fake game and thus has no soundtrack; this is a video filmed in the Blender House that tells the story of Little Timmy, a boy struggling with his rampant alcoholism. Little Timmy is played by PoliSlix while Chaze the Chat narrates.

At the end of the rip, a Tinyurl link ( appears. This leads the rip "Main Theme - Columns III: Revenge of Columns".



  • Reversing the order of the words in the Tinyurl link leads to some interesting results:
  • The rip was originally supposed to be the opening of a sequel to "Main Theme - Superman 64". More footage from this can be seen in "Main Theme - Superman 128 (Cancelled)".[1]
    • This is also the reason why this rip links to the rip described in Superman 128.
  • Hancho appears as the monitor PoliSlix types at.
  • The composer is Pangea Software, a developer of Apple software, which PoliSlix is a fan of.
  • With the release of FILE-04 of Haltmann's Archives, this rip was put into the Haltmann's Archives playlist and had "[Archived by M.P.H.]" added to its video description, along with every other fake game rip at that time.


  1. Reply by @the8bits.