SiIvaGunner Wiki

"PSA from Former Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai" is a high quality announcement for the album The Harlem Shakeover.


The video's title and description reference the infamous video "PSA from Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai".

The video opens on the desktop of the lighthouse's computer as seen in "Hello :)". The Wood Man in the wallpaper is now frowning and several pop-up ads referencing various memes have been added:

A large Reese's mug is also present, from which Ajit Pai emerges and speaks to the viewer, expressing gratitude for The Harlem Shakeover's supposed positive reception. He then states that taking over SiIvaGunner was merely the first step towards his plan of bringing the Harlem Shakeover to the entire world and intends on using the lighthouse's energy to produce a worldwide shake.

Ajit attempts to activate the lighthouse's energy by exclaiming the vocal samples used in "Harlem Shake", but gets interrupted by a Windows virus detection message. He attempts to enact his plan again, but gets interrupted once more by a YouTube copyright claim notice by Mad Decent on "PSA from Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai", followed by other pop-ups appearing sequentially: an Avast Antivirus threat detection warning, a tweet from a verified Twitter user saying "Ajit Pai is a LOSER!", and the Redman's pop-up from One Night at Flumpty's 2. A cursor then appears and drags Ajit into the desktop's recycle bin as he releases his album as a parting message. He then vows to return someday while inside of the bin.



Ajit Pai has been at the heart of the Harlem Shakeover and he would like to take this time to address all of the internet trolls with a PSA.

"Hi, this is former FCC chairman and the face of the Harlem Shakeover, Ajit Pai. Although my event has been so rudely interrupted by some pesky antiviruses and copyright claims, I am so proud of the progress we have been able to make toward a bright future for SiIvaGunner and all who enjoy a good shaking. What began as a simple campaign to reach this country's youth has become a righteous cause that I feel very strongly about. Folks, we made it!

Despite the unexpected circumstances, I will not give up. I will be fighting against these new obstacles as long as my heart is doing the Harlem Shake and Reeses' peanut butter courses through my veins! In the meantime, you can keep my legacy alive by bumping my epic mixtape, fittingly titled "The Harlem Shakeover", now available for free on Bandcamp.

Thank you all for your participation - I am confident we will meet again.

Con los terroristas!"

- Pai

Google Drive:

(As always, please don't pay for the album and use the Google Drive mirrors when out of free download credits.)




  • The YouTube copyright claim shown in the video is a reference to how "PSA from Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai" was briefly taken down in 2017 due to a claim by "Harlem Shake" creator Baauer.[3]
  • This video was initially not included in the "Announcements" playlist. It was added on June 16, 2022.


  1. "My Siivagunner rips". YouTube playlist by GramBam36.
  2. "My SiIvaGunner Contributions". YouTube playlist by Sean Patrick.
  3. "YouTube briefly took down FCC chairman Ajit Pai", article by The Verge; December 16, 2017.