"Pause Screen (OST Version) - Wario World" is a high quality rip of the OST version of "Pause Screen" from Wario World.
The melody Wario's singing has been changed to the chorus of "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony". It loops for 50 minutes, referencing the multiple joke extensions of the song's chorus that have been uploaded to YouTube.
At 49:58, Wario is cut off by the Wonder Showzen "That's racist!" clip, referencing the notorious mondegreen in "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony", to which Wario replies, "Sorry." This is referencing an easter egg in the original game, which has Wario say "sorry" and stop singing after 50 minutes.
An alternate explanation for this rip existing is that it's meant to trick viewers into thinking this rip would be a 50 minute long medley rip, similar to the rip "Pause Screen - Wario World".
- The rip is somewhat inaccurate in that Wario doesn't stop singing for 1 bar from 0:06 to 0:16 like he does in both the original and in the Season 1 rip.
- This rip is similar to the TTGD rip "Pause Screen (Beta Mix) - Wario World" from 2 months prior that was also a 50 minute long rip of "Lost Pause" that repeats a singular joke for most of it.
- The album version of this track, as its name implies, is much shorter than the YouTube upload. It clocks in at just 46 seconds —about a 98.47% decrease in length.
See also[]
- Other "Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony" of long video length: