"Pocket Diary - Kirby Planet Robobot" is a high quality rip of "Pocket Diary" from Kirby Planet Robobot.
No elements of the advertised track appear in this rip. Instead, this is an animated parody of the plot of The SilvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis in the style of the "In a Nutshell" series by Solar Sands. The video goes over most of the events of the ten main episodes released at the time, using crude illustrations and text-to-speech voices for the characters. In the last split-second of the video, Grand Dad appears next to a logo for the eleventh episode, referencing how his appearance in said episode was the only thing revealed about it at the time.
The choice of the advertised track, which plays in the Kirby Planet Robobot staff credits, references the significance of Kirby Planet Robobot as the inspiration for the plot of the Christmas Comeback Crisis.
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[The video begins by showing The Voice Inside Your Head.] The Voice: It's prime time to take over the channel. [The video zooms out, showing Smol Nozomi behind The Voice.] Smol Nozomi: tordohete [The Voice takes off in President Haltmann's chair, then flies over to the lighthouse.] The Voice: Well, I'm outta here! [The lighthouse is transformed into The Voice's tower.] The Voice: Yes. Much better. [Meta Knight appears on the Halberd, with a big blue flag on it with his face and text reading "THE HALBERD", then gets blasted with a large red laser.] Meta Knight: I'm cool knight guy, prepare to die!!! The Voice: RUBY BLAST!!! Meta Knight: OW OW OW OWCH AHAGNA M!!!!! NOT THE HALBERD!!! The Voice: Yes. Much better. [The video shows President Haltmann speaking with The Voice.] Haltmann: there's a figment loose. what do we do? The Voice: ...That stupid brat! She'll pay for all the pain she's caused me! Mark my words, that figment will be destroyed posthaste! Forgotten forever! Never to be seen again!!! Haltmann: ...are you done, sir? The Voice: Yes. I am, as a matter of fact, done. Thanks for asking, Haltmann. Haltmann: okay, so... The Voice: HAND ME THE BLUEPRINTS, PRONTO!!! Haltmann: okay [The Voice begins look over Haltmann's blueprints for the Stringbots.] The Voice: Let's see here... Hmm, mass-produced, designed for ground control, rocket skates, LED eyes... Haltmann, this is a dream come true. Get these to Angry Joe, now! Haltmann: okay [The video shows the Rapper's Union, then shows Nozomi getting attacked by a Spheric (represented by the Pokémon Registeel) and obtaining the Smolitzer.] Spheric: beep boop destroy [The Rapper's Union is attacked by a Spheric, which gets destroyed by Nozomi.] Spheric: beep boop destroy Smol Nozomi: nuh uh Snoop Dogg: thanks for the save! Smol Nozomi: tordohete [The video shows The Voice speaking with Wood Man.] The Voice: Remember when Chad Warden defeated me? He actually didn't because of you because you remembered me and my hope will never die boom boom babalbahba boosh boosh blam. Blah blah blah lore, blah blah blah I will never be a memory, blah blah blah blah blah blah figment blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah you revived me Woodman I am a figmentman both figment and man and that is why we aren't so different you and I, you are my son and I can unmake you if Wood Man: cool lore but when can i do ur mom lol [The video shows Wood Man encountering Nozomi.] Wood Man: hi i'm woodguy nice >:] Smol Nozomi: tordohete Wood Man: i'm ...evil... lol Smol Nozomi: tordohete Wood Man: forget what i said... you're too mean! Meta Knight: hello nozomi how are you this fine Christmas evening Smol Nozomi: tordohete Smol Nozomi: todoWHAT?! [The video shows President Haltmann speaking with The Voice.] The Voice: Yeah, uh... give it 5-10 business days. Haltmann: ...okay??? The Voice: By the way, we need a giant robot based on the Nutshack guy. You have two episodes time. Haltmann: okay [The video shows Wood Man getting captured by Robbie Rotten.] Wood Man: im still upset >:[ Robbie Rotten: I CAPTURED A SUPERHERO!!! Wood Man: you know... nozomi's also a super hero. can't you capture her instead? Robbie Rotten: ...GOOD POINT!!! [The video shows Nozomi and Meta Knight arriving at the North Pole. A large sign reads "NORTH POLE (SANTA'S WORKSHOP).] Meta Knight: welcome... [The heroes rescue Santa, who then hits the emergency button.] Santa: (ho ho ho...) Smol Nozomi and Meta Knight: ok [The heroes are challenged by Nathaniel Welchert, piloting a giant robot.] Smol Nozomi, Meta Knight, Santa: uh oh Nathaniel: my banbot is invincible! you'll never win! Smol Nozomi: nuh uh [Most of the giant robot explodes, save for the cockpit.] Nathaniel: this is impossible!!! how can this be?! Smol Nozomi: ...open your eyes, maybe you'll see [The robot's cockpit explodes.] Smol Nozomi: weeeeeee [The video shows The Voice speaking with Angry Joe, who presents a vial of Christmas Spirit.] The Voice: What's "popping", Angry Joe? Angry Joe: i stole santa's sleigh but he escaped. The Voice: Ugh... Angry Joe: ...and the workshop done did exploded. The Voice: Ugh... Angry Joe: but not ALL is lost... The Voice: Ignoring the fact you just moved your arms in ways I thought impossible, this is excellent news. Haltmann: what do you want, sir? The Voice: I proudly present... [The video pans to show Haruka Amami dressed as Susie, with text reading "(haruka)" next to her.] Haltmann: ...this is just INSULTING! i'm OUT OF HERE! Haruka: ...can i get my paycheck now? The Voice: Shut up. [The video shows the three heroes speaking to one another.] Santa: did you know the voice is neither figment nor human, but both? it's not a story the Jedi would tell you... Meta Knight: honestly, that's not really useful... but good to know. thanks santa Smol Nozomi: todoWHAT?! [The video shows the three heroes confronting Angry Joe.] Meta Knight: we attack from the back. Angry Joe: THERE SHE IS!!! Mecha-Dick: BEEP BOOP DESTROY Smol Nozomi: nuh uh [Mecha-Dick is destroyed, revealing Mecha-Dick MK-II.] Mecha-Dick MK-II: bEEP. bOOP. dESTROY Smol Nozomi: nuh. uh. [Mecha-Dick MK-II is destroyed.] Angry Joe: I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!!! [The video shows the three heroes meeting with the Rapper's Union.] Meta Knight: tonight... Charles Barkley: we ball from the back [Wood Man and Robbie Rotten appear.] Robbie Rotten: HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! THESE AREN'T SUPERHEROES! THEY'RE CROOKS! BADDIES! NOT SUPERHEROES!!! Wood Man: i don't really care lol Angry Joe: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I'VE HAD IT WITH ALL THIS SHIT! [Angry Joe is powered up with Christmas Spirit.] Angry Joe: THE POWER OF CHRISTMAS COMPELS YOU!!! [Haruka motivates Nozomi, who the becomes powered up by Christmas Spirit.] Haruka: you can do it, nozomi!!! just believe in yourself!!! Smol Nozomi: ... Angry Joe: ...i fucked up big time. Snoop Dogg: you definitely did! [Angry Joe is defeated. The video then shows the Gadgetini Clone 2.0.] Gadgetini Clone 2.0: It's prime time to take over the channel. [The video shows Charles Barkley killing Chip and Parappa, followed by the Kazoo Master appearing from a portal.] Charles Barkley: i was evil the whole time. lol. Kazoo Master: bonjour. i am looking for a challenger. Soulja Boy: i'm pretty good with a sword... Kazoo Master: then let us fight! [A title card appears reading "one epic and cool fight scene later..."] Kazoo Master: you were a worthy opponent, souldier boy... goodbye [The video shows President Haltmann.] Haltmann: it's prime time to take over the channel! [The video shows the heroes confronting JustinRPG.] Meta Knight: let's go to the tower JustinRPG: i'm gonna make the pokemon real! [A title card appears reading "...and then he did." Justin then transforms into Ju'Reshoggoth, with text next to him reading "abridger's note: this character is a lot more disgusting in the original".] Ju'Reshoggoth: I BELIEVE EVERYTHING WENT ACCORDING TO PLAN Santa: you're gonna regret hurting my friends... Ju'Reshoggoth: ERM... OKAY [Ju'Reshoggoth is defeated, and Santa loses his left arm.] Meta Knight: santa, are you ok?! Santa: it hurts... Meta Knight: ...let's go save the world. [The visuals fade out and the video ends by showing Grand Dad for a split second, with text reading "things are about to get real GRAND up in here..." and the Christmas Comeback Crisis logo with the number 11.] |
- ↑ "WARNING: SCARIEST GAME (MUSIC) IN YEARS". YouTube playlist by goro.