"Power Calligraphy - Rhythm Heaven Fever" is a high quality rip of "Power Calligraphy" from Rhythm Heaven Fever.
The rip starts off with "Crank That" elements, being remixed with the music. At 0:07, we hear a "PSYCH!" from Supa Hot Fire's "The Rap Battle" parody. At 0:07, the vocals to "Crank That" are omitted, and are replaced with vocals from the video ,"dat boi!!!!" by ZimoNitrome.
At 0:06, the logo switches to the advertised gameplay, but instead of the Japanese characters, Dat Boi frogs are being painted. At 1:09, GIFs of Dat Boi, riding its unicycle, are beginning to be shown on the left and right sides of the paper. At 1:48, as the last Dat Boi drawing flies away, we see the last paper, with "nice >:]" on the bottom corner.