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SiIvaGunner Wiki

"Professor E. Gadd - Luigi's Mansion" is a high quality rip of "Professor E. Gadd" from Luigi's Mansion.


From 0:12 to 0:43, the melody changes to "Meet the Flintstones", with it turning into a melody addition from 0:43 to 0:51. At 0:22, "Rappin' for Jesus" by Jim Colerick is mashed up with the advertised track. At 1:01, the melody changes to "The Time Is Now". At 1:22, "The Rap Battle (PARODY) (ORIGINAL) OHHH!" by SUPAHOTFIRE DESHAWN plays. At 1:38, "Cooking by the Book" from LazyTown is mashed up with the advertised track. At 2:00, it switches to "2112" by Rush, before the rip fades out.

See also[]

