"Sector Sweep (In-Game Version) - Half-Life 2: Episode Two" is a high quality rip of the in-game version of "Sector Sweep" from Half-Life 2: Episode Two.
The advertised track's melody has been changed to "Let's Do This" throughout the rip. Starting at 0:28, "Let's Do This" is mashed up with the track. At 1:35, hand drill sounds are added to the track. At 1:40, the G-Man from the Half-Life series is sentence-mixed to say the following, referencing Home Depot's advertising slogan: "More saving. More doing. That's the power of The Home Depot, Gordon."
In addition, the catchphrase in the rip's description references a quote from Half-Life 2: Episode Two: "Oh, and Freeman! If you pull this off, I might just forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa."