"See You Again (Alpha Mix) - Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious" is a high quality rip of the alpha mix of "See You Again" from Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious.
At 0:35, elements from "Why?" and "Wanna See My Pencil?" by SML are mashed up with and arranged to the advertised track. At 1:20, and again at 2:50, Jeffy noises from "SML Movie: Jeffy's Bad Word!" by SML are pitch-shifted to the track. At 1:31, a clip from "SML Movie: Jeffy's Bad Word!" plays. At 1:26, "Cody - Nintendo Diss Track" by SML is added to the mashup. At 2:04, a piano plays "Meet the Flintstones" over the advertised track. At 2:39, a clip from "Jeffy The Psychic!" by SML fades in. At 2:50, a clip of Jeffy saying "ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH!?" plays, with "Wechard Winning" by Wekko and a clip of Keemstar Screaming pitch-shifted to the advertised track as well.
- This is currently the only Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious rip to not contain any visual elements.